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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In China waren im Juni 87 Millionen Einwohner online. Damit habe man Japan vom zweiten Platz der "meistverdrahteten Nationen" verdrängt. Laut dem China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) habe sich die Zahl der Surfer im Reiche der Mitte seit 1997, als es noch 620.000 waren, um den Faktor 140 vergrößert, berichtet China Daily. Mittlerweile seien 6,6 Prozent der Bevölkerung online. In den USA sind es zum Vergleich 70 Prozent.

Read more: China: 87 Millionen Einwohner sind online

Estimated at US$4.8 billion, China's market for e-government services depends upon the development of common national standards.

Chinese e-government is booming. More than 90 government portals have been established by China's central government. But when you look at the regional and municipal government level the number is far greater: over the last three years the number of government web sites has passed 10,000.

Read more: Civic pride driving China e-govt development

The future focus of Hong Kong's e-government program will be to put customers at the center of public service delivery so as to bring greater value to both customers and the government.

This was highlighted in a new booklet on e-government published recently by Hong Kong's Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau.

Read more: Hong Kong e-government programs to focus on customers

The future focus of Hong Kong's e-government programme will be to put customers at the centre of public service delivery, according to a new booklet on e-government published by Hong Kong's Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau.

Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology John Tsang said that the government had placed great importance on e-government work.

Read more: 'Customers' the new focus of Hong Kong e-govt

The Ministry of Commerce (MOC) of China opened a website to provide information on trade remedy here Friday.

At a press briefing, Gao Hucheng, vice minister of commerce, said along with the development of China's trade and economy, Chinese enterprises have suffered from more and more anti-dumplingcases.

Read more: China: Ministry of Commerce opens website on trade remedy

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