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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In a move that brings China one step closer to implementing a set of laws to regulate online transactions and commerce, a draft law concerning online electronic signatures was approved at an executive meeting of China's State Council on March 24.

The Law on Electronic Signatures is expected to further regulate the use of online documents and electronic signatures in China. The draft law calls for the establishment of an online authentication system and is designed to safeguard Internet-based transactions and legalize the implementation of e-business and e-government applications.

Read more: China to adopt law on electronic signatures

Myanmar is due to launch an online e(electronic)-procurement system here on Friday as part of a series of projects involving the e-National Task Force, official newspaper The New Light of Myanmar reported Thursday.

Under the system, a total of over 40 departments and enterprises of government ministries will handle purchase of good sand services as well as tender sales and quotations.

Read more: China: Myanmar to launch e-procurement system

China's push to computerise its administration is expected to see it account for most of the 45 per cent share of IT spending by regional governments this year, according to research house IDC.

While the development of electronic-government initiatives is still in the early stages in China, IDC Internet research manager Nathan Midler said significant improvement is being seen in areas such as digitalising administrative processes.

Read more: China to lead region in IT spending

Hong Kong's Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology John Tsang launched here Thursday the 2004 Digital 21 Strategy which will help to sustain the momentum in making Hong Kong a leading digital city.

The strategy has eight main areas of action which include providing a more integrated structure to map out IT policies and strategies, driving the e-government program, championing the development of new applications and services, promoting IT adoption by business and the community, and fostering the development of the IT industry.

Read more: China: Hong Kong unveils cyber city strategy

The Internet is gradually entering into government affairs after becoming a popular personal means of communication.

In Shenzhen, southern Guangdong Province, the local legislature recently issued a circular on, asking citizens to contribute suggestions for its legislative work this year.

Read more: China: Government gets Net savvy

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