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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Hong Kong's Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology John Tsang launched here Thursday the 2004 Digital 21 Strategy which will help to sustain the momentum in making Hong Kong a leading digital city.

The strategy has eight main areas of action which include providing a more integrated structure to map out IT policies and strategies, driving the e-government program, championing the development of new applications and services, promoting IT adoption by business and the community, and fostering the development of the IT industry. Tsang said the Hong Kong government will flesh out details of the proposals contained in the updated strategy in the next 12 months.

"The strategy sets out a sustainable program of measures with the aim of realizing the full potential of IT to accelerate Hong Kong's transition to a knowledge-based economy, and provide the impetus to economic growth and prosperity. We will continue to work closely together with all stakeholders in order to harness the benefits and opportunities of IT," he said.

The strategy was first promulgated in 1998 and reviewed and updated in 2001. Following a review of the implementation of the 2001 strategy, the government published a draft updated strategy for public consultation late last year. Having carefully considered the 80 submissions received, the government finalized the updated strategy.

Quelle: Xinhua online, 04.03.2004

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