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Saturday, 14.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Indian minister rejects findings of independent report into local e-government.

Cherkalam Abdulla, the Indian Minister for Local Self-Government, has issued a statement disparaging a report that was critical of the Information Kerala Mission (IKM). The conclusions of the report assembled by four independent IT experts were without foundation, argued Abdulla.

Read more: Indian minister defies e-govt critics

The Tamil Nadu Government will set up an e-Governance Directorate to accelerate the adoption of IT in the Indian states's public sector.

Tamil Nadu's Information Technology and Electricity Minister, D Jayakumar, has said that the Directorate would work out an integrated e-Governance strategy for the state and source funds from the federal government for projects

Read more: India: Tamil Nadu to set up e-govt directorate

"The new e-governance system will not only help in generating revenue but even the citizens will get to know where the money is coming from and where it is spent," said Nandan Nilekani, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Infosys.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) and the Infosys' eGovernment Foundation.

Read more: India: Delhi plumps for e-governance

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Bangalore-based eGovernment Foundation to promote e-governance in the Corporation. MCD Commissioner Rakesh Mehta signed the MoU with the Foundation’s managing trustee Srikanth Nadhamuni in the presence of Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit, CEO Infosys Nandan M. Nilekani and Delhi Mayor A.R. Verma.

Read more: India: Municipal Corporation of Delhi signs MoU with e-Govt Foundation

Its official: All that talk about India shining may just have some truth to it. e-governance has delivered a major push to technology adoption in Asian governments, and the horizon for information technology looks bright and sunny.

A recent IDC study has found that the focus of many Asia/Pacific governments is on squeezing more value out of their IT investments. In the region, Asian governments with aspirations to position themselves as global e-government leaders are beginning to view the value derived from IT investments as a measure of their capabilities.

Read more: India Shining - At least on e-governance

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