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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Eine Million Wahlcomputer für rund 660 Millionen Wähler | Soll Wahlverbrechen vorbeugen | Am Dienstag bereits erste Pannen

In Indien, der größten Demokratie der Welt, haben am Dienstag die Parlamentswahlen begonnen, die bis 10. Mai in mehreren Phasen abgewickelt werden.

Read more: Erstmals elektronische Wahlen in Indien

National Institute of Smart Government (NISG) and IBM India have joined hands to promote e-governance at the national level.

NISG’s mission is to deliver better citizen services, reduce operation costs, establish technology standards for application development and enhance the agility in the government.

Read more: India: IBM gateway to e-governance overdrive

The National Institute of Smart Government (NISG) and IBM India have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote e-Governance at the national level.

This move will help India to develop different e-Government applications using open standards and IBM's e-Governance Frameworks.

Read more: India: IBM expertise for NISG project

The National Institute of Smart Government (NISG) and IBM India have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that marks the beginning of a relationship promoting e-governance at the national level. According to a press release, the MoU represents a significant initiative that will help India to develop different e-government applications using open standards and IBM's e-Governance Frameworks.

Read more: India: IBM pact with NISG for e-governance

The National Institute of Smart Government (NISG), and IBM India signed today a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in a bid to promote eGovernance at the national level by focusing on Open Source technologies.

The initiative will help India develop different eGovernment applications using open standards and IBM’s e-Governance Frameworks.

Read more: India: NISG Signs MoU With IBM For e-Governance

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