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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Mehrere PC-Anbieter haben sich gegenüber der indischen Regierung verpflichtet, auf ihren Rechnern lokalisierte Open-Source-Software vorzuinstallieren.

Read more: Indien fördert Open-Source-Anwendungen auf PCs

Spotlight project:

The Indian government is funding an >initiative to distribute free CDs containing open-source software. Around 3.5 million CDs of Tamil-language versions of open-source applications and 3.5 million Hindi-language CDs containing have already been sent out. There are plans to distribute software translated into all 22 official languages of India.

Read more: India: Speaking your language

Standardization and localization in implementing the e-gov policies is called for due to the economic diversity existing in different regions in India

“India has had islands of success in e-governance like Railways, customs and income tax, etc. Now the time has come to replicate this success across the country,” said S Lakshminarayanan, Ministry of Home Affairs Inter-State Council Secretariat Secretary, Government of India.

Read more: Replicate e-gov success across India

People living in far-flung villages will soon be able to avail themselves of a slew of services ranging from procuring land records to getting caste certificates for jobs at the click of a mouse.

The Government plans to to roll out `common service centres' or IT kiosks in one lakh villages across the country by 2007 as part of the National e-Government Plan.

Read more: India: Govt plans to roll out IT Kiosks in villages

Public private partnership as access owner, service and content provider should be encouraged and an enabling environment for private sector including private data gateways should be created in order to accelerate the broadband penetration in Pakistan.

The broadband penetration in Pakistan is currently less than 1 percent in the country. The other countries in the region enjoy broadband penetration rate from 8 percent to 50 percent.

Read more: India: Public private partnership for promotion of IT stressed

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