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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Karnataka government and Microsoft Corporation announced on Wednesday several e-governance initiatives, including the launch of a Bangalore One portal.

Read more: Karnataka governance pact inked

Microsoft Chief Bill Gates today announced a new partnership with Karnataka Government to promote a 'Bangalore one' online portal and other e-governance initiatives.

Read more: Bill Gates announces ''Bangalore one portal'' partnership

If the Chinese have IT, get it. The Indian government seems to be taking a leaf out of China's operating system, and is planning a countrywide drive to promote the open source operating system, Linux, as the 'platform of choice' instead of 'proprietary' solutions.

Read more: Open IT: Govt to rewrite source code in Linux

India has registered a nine per cent increase in the use of internet to access government services or products during the last 12 months, according to a study by Taylor Nelson Sofres.

Read more: India shows 9 pc rise in e-Govt usage

Der schlichte Computer in einem 15 Quadratmeter großen Laden, mitten im Basar von Nangal Chaudhary, bedeutet eine technische Revolution. Denn er verbindet das indische Dorf im Bundesstaat Haryana mit dem Rest der Welt, über das Internet. "Global Village", der Begriff aus dem Internet-Zeitalter, soll eigentlich ausdrücken, wie die Welt durch das World Wide Web zum Dorf wird. In Nangal Chaudhary ist es umgekehrt: Das Dorf wird durch den Anschluss ans Netz zur großen weiten Welt.

Read more: Internet erobert indische Dörfer

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