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Myrtle Beach City Council received an update from city staff on their plans to transform Myrtle Beach into a 'Smart City' on Tuesday.

Essentially, a smart city is a technology-driven environment where electronic censors can collect data on people and infrastructure.

The city has made progress in moving forward with becoming a 'Smart City'.

According to City of Myrtle Beach Chief Innovation Officer Howard Waldie IV, they've completed phase one -- launching a Smart Cities Council.

Waldie says the council is made up of nine city staff members, all of which represent different departments.

While presenting the update to Myrtle Beach City Council, Waldie explained what's next in the project process.

"What they're focusing on right now is developing the programming and the road map, as well as any other details that we need to have to actually launch a physical living map," he said. "The second implement of this council will be doing, after the living lab has been developed, is ultimately vetting the projects we might want to entertain."

Some smart city project examples that have been mentioned include smart trash bins, automated parking systems, and smart poles featuring Wi-Fi and 5G.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Emma Parkhouse

Quelle/Source: msn, 02.05.2023

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