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Wednesday, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In der Eröffnungsrede für das International Institute of Information Technology an der Universität Poona hat sich Indiens Präsident A.P.J Abdul Kalam für den verstärkten Einsatz quelloffener Software ausgesprochen. Sie biete dem Land mehr Modernisierungsmöglichkeiten als proprietäre Lösungen.

Read more: Indiens Präsident setzt auf Open Source

Der indische Präsident Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam rät seinen Landsleuten, verstärkt Open-Source-Software zu entwickeln. Dies hat Kalam laut Times of India anlässlich der Einweihung des International Institue of Information Technology im IT-Park Hinjewadi (Poona) angemerkt. Bislang hätten indische Entwickler zu sehr auf Windows-basierte Anwendungen gesetzt.

Read more: Indiens Präsident plädiert für Open Source

In a last-ditch effort to offer good-governance at its citizens’ doorsteps, the Andhra Pradesh government is spearheading the concept of converting STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialing) booths into ’Service Delivery Points’ (SDPs). The state government has recently issued an e-government order (e-GO Ms No.13) with an administrative sanction of Rs 3.75 crore offering either 15 per cent of the cost or a maximum of Rs 7,500 per unit as subsidy towards the cost of conversion.

Read more: India: Andhra STD Booths Are E-governance Delivery Points Now

Many governments provide centralised guidance and try to maintain technical consistency amongst departments because they accept that different agencies are confronted with similar technological issues.

Read more: India: Good solutions come to those who wait

THE unwillingness of governments to commit funding, the absence of a clear revenue stream for private sector and inappropriate tendering processes are hampering the growth of e-governance in the country, the National Association of Software and Service Companies (Nasscom) has said.

Read more: India: Skewed planning impeding e-governance, says Nasscom

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