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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Swedish employment agency Arbetsförmedlingen launched a free-of-charge app enabling smartphone holders to look for a job via their phones.

The job ads app is the mobile version of the same agency's online employment database 'Platsbanken', and it is already proving popular. It makes it possible for smarthpone holders to:

  • search for a job by keyword, work location and profession;
  • save their searches and ads;
  • email and share job ads;
  • find the employer's address on a map;
  • find all employment agencies in Sweden and their geographical location on a map 

Read more: SE: Public employment agency launches free job ads app

The Swedish Minister for Information Technology and Energy, Ms. Anna-Karin Hatt, presented her country's IT strategy entitled 'IT in the service of mankind - a digital agenda for Sweden', on 6 October 2011. It is an integrated strategy for the coordination of IT initiatives which aims to make the country the world leader in the use of digitisation opportunities.

"The digital agenda for Sweden is now a broad and coherent strategy that focuses on how we can best use technology in the service of mankind," Minister Hatt said on the occasion of the presentation.

Read more: Launch of the digital agenda for Sweden

Following a survey of stakeholders, Sweden's eIdentification Board (E-legitimationsnämnden, in Swedish) has set itself a goal of providing a mature electronic identity (eID) solution by mid-2013, it was announced in June 2011. The Board will now construct a test environment to clarify stakeholders' needs.

In the spring of 2011, the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications (Näringsdepartementet, in Swedish) distributed to stakeholders the investigations carried out in 2010 with a proposal for building a framework for future eID in Sweden. Most stakeholders responded positively to the central ideas of the proposal, although many pointed out the importance of taking the time to ensure that the solution functioned properly, rather than rushing out a quick solution which might not.

Read more: SE: eIdentification Board targets eID solution for mid-2013

A test bed has been launched to provide a means to publicly test and develop the technological infrastructure for electronic identification (eID) and signing services in Sweden, it was announced on 18 August 2011.

The test bed, Eid 2.0, was developed by the eIdentification Board (E-legitimationsnämnden, in Swedish) in collaboration with the Swedish University Computer Network (SUNET). It will enable interested parties (both public and private sector entities) to test their eServices and technology solutions for eID. Only after successful testing takes place will it be possible to implement a functional infrastructure for eID.

Read more: SE: Test bed introduced to develop eID solution

In April 2011, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions [SALAR] (Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting - SKL, in Swedish) published a strategy for eSociety with the aim to support the development of eGovernment in the municipal sector.

More and more people take for granted the ability to perform tasks simply and safely online; however, this poses a challenge for most local authorities and regions. As such, joint efforts and increased collaboration are required. SALAR has therefore developed a strategy for the municipal sector and its eGovernment development.

Read more: Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions develops eSociety strategy for municipal sector

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