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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Global Trust Council (GTC) is in negotiations with the Swedish government to create an internationally recognised e-health framework.

The non-profit, international organisation based in Sweden is in talks with the government on how organisations can reduce the risk of fraud through new methods of digital identity verification and how they can improve privacy and security issues to reduce data loss.

Read more: Sweden and GTC build e-health framework

Swedish public administrations should publish their data in an open format, says Peter Krantz, a government IT worker, speaking under personal title. Krantz earlier this month launched a website,, showing whether public data is available or not, and listing data formats.

"On I want to make visible how data is tucked away in the Swedish public sector. I hope this will result in more of this data becoming available", Krantz explains on the site.

Read more: 'Swedish public data should be published in open formats'

This year's ICF's annual conference focused on "Building the Broadband Economy: Local Growth in a Global Economic Crisis"

New York City-based think tank Intelligent Community Forum has named Stockholm, Sweden, as the 2009 Intelligent Community of the Year. The annual gathering of global best-practices communities emphasized a "culture of use," not just access to broadband technology or "households passed" availability.

Read more: Sweden: Stockholm wins broadband award

Sweden rolled out the first stage of the Swedish National Patient Summary initiative last month, according to the project's partnering IT vendors, InterSystems and Tieto. The nationwide EHR is billed as one of the first of its kind in the world.

The aim of the project, known as NPÖ, is to improve patient security and quality of care by rolling out the national electronic health record in stages. The first of these stages saw the implementation of the records across the Örebro County Council and the municipality of Örebro.

Read more: Sweden launches national electronic health record

The Swedish government has launched a new citizen-centred national e-health strategy designed around ensuring the provision of information to where it is needed to support improvements in care.

The new e-health strategy focuses on the need to use information and communication technologies (ICT) to achieve improvements for patients, health professionals and decision-makers.

Read more: Sweden launches national e-health strategy

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