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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

By 2027, the city of Helsingborg aims to become one of the world’s best cities to live and work in. Recently, the city received a grant from Sweden’s Innovation Agency, Vinnova, to test autonomous robots in garbage collection.

Traditionally, garbage collection has involved loud trucks blocking the streets and interrupting early mornings. In collaboration with Robot Minds AB and the regional waste management company Nordvästra Skånes Renhållnings AB (NSR), the City of Helsingborg aims to implement a project where service robots collect the garbage instead.

Read more: Swedish city Helsingborg receives $258,000 grant to test robotic garbage collection

Computer vision and machine learning specialist, Univrses, will work with the Swedish Transport Administration to digitise and manage roadside infrastructure.

Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Administration, is working with computer vision and machine learning specialist Univrses to help optimise the country’s road infrastructure management.

Read more: AI used to monitor and optimise Swedish road infrastructure

Swedish retailer IKEA is making significant steps to enhance sustainability by developing a sustainable community and scrapping non-rechargeable alkaline batteries.

Sustainability is a key watchword in the quest to mitigate environmental damage resulting from human activity. As our modern world demands increased energy, the need to move to sustainable fuel sources has never been more pressing.

Read more: SE: IKEA Aims to Turn a Swedish City into a Sustainable Community

Extreme Networks Inc., a cloud-driven networking company, in partnership with NetNordic, has established one of the largest cloud-managed network infrastructures in Borås Stad, Sweden, transforming the municipality into a smart city.

The new infrastructure delivers faster and more advanced connectivity, extending secure public Wi-Fi for its residents, local government, schools and services, while automating and simplifying network management for the IT team.

Read more: SE: Västra Götaland: Extreme Networks Transforms Borås Stad into Smart City

Stockholm has claimed the Smart City 2019 award for its GrowSmarter project at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona.

The Swedish capital was commended for its ‘innovation, openness and connectivity’ and efforts to improve living conditions for residents.

GrowSmarter brings together the public and private sectors to integrate 12 smart city solutions across energy, infrastructure and mobility.

Read more: SE: Stockholm wins world smart city award

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