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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The use of 'Janus Window', a decision support tool for medicine prescribers in Stockholm and in several Swedish Regions (Västra Götaland County and Skåne County) has increased significantly in the Stockholm County since early September 2010, when the service became easily available in the electronic health record system 'TakeCare'.

TakeCare comprises an ePrescription module. Janus Window has been integrated in TakeCare and in five other patient electronic health record systems that are in use in Sweden's regions; it provides quality patient-specific drug information. The main advantage of Janus Window is that it automatically sends warnings to the prescribers.

Read more: Sweden: Availability of 'Janus Window' in electronic patient record system a success

Patients and medical professionals in Sweden will soon be able access electronic medical records online, a government health official announced this week.

By the end of the year, patients in Östergötland County in central Sweden will become the first to allow patients access to their medical records online by the end of the year, Daniel Forslund, deputy director of the healthcare division of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, said on Monday.

Read more: Sweden to launch online access to medical files

The Social Insurance Agency of Sweden (Försäkringskassan, in Swedish)ran during September 2010 a new information campaign to raise the citizens' awareness of the 'My Pages' service on its website.

With some 200 000 logins per week, 'My Pages' is the self-service of the Agency's website - - that has been adopted the fastest by the users of the site. The information campaign aims to make the service known by even more users, to thus make as many citizens as possible aware of the possibility to manage their own cases.

Read more: Sweden: Social Insurance Agency wants more people to discover successful 'My Pages' service

Sweden will provide patients with online access to their electronic medical records before the end of the year, the deputy director of the healthcare division of Sweden’s Ministry of Health and Social Affairs has confirmed.

Speaking at eHealth Insider Live 2010, Daniel Forslund said that the records would be accessed through a new website and technology platform based on the country's 1177 service, which already provides patients with health advice.

Read more: Sweden to go-live with online records

The collaboratively developed Swedish eHealth infrastructure services are functioning in a stable manner and are well used at county level. A further development phase starts in collaboration with municipalities in order to simplify the use of the services and expand their application scope.

These infrastructure services are intended to ensure that the handling of data and the transfer of information between health care providers take place in a consistent and secure manner. They include: the HSA catalogue service - a national address directory of healthcare services providers linking all regional level eCatalogues; SITHS - the secure IT authentication solutions for health care professionals; the secure communication network SJUNET; and the video-and tele-meeting service.

Read more: Sweden: National ehealth infrastructure ready for further development

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