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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The collaboratively developed Swedish eHealth infrastructure services are functioning in a stable manner and are well used at county level. A further development phase starts in collaboration with municipalities in order to simplify the use of the services and expand their application scope.

These infrastructure services are intended to ensure that the handling of data and the transfer of information between health care providers take place in a consistent and secure manner. They include: the HSA catalogue service - a national address directory of healthcare services providers linking all regional level eCatalogues; SITHS - the secure IT authentication solutions for health care professionals; the secure communication network SJUNET; and the video-and tele-meeting service.

"In general, for the entire infrastructure, the ambition is to have services that can really be trusted. They must offer high availability and be stable and safe. Many solutions have been around for a long time and they have been developed after county councils requirements." said Peter Alvinsson, Director of the infrastructure programme steering group at the Centre for eHealth in Sweden (CeHis). "Now that municipalities and private healthcare providers join and interaction increases, there might be new demands as to infrastructure. We are therefore pursuing further development together with the municipalities and the private providers, so that we can create national services that have wide application." he added.

The communication network SJUNET is currently the most stable of these services, with a very high availability. It has been prepared to move to the new Internet Protocol version IPv6. As for the HSA catalogue service, it has been available in all Swedish counties and in over 80 municipalities; the next step is to refine even more the quality of the information and to continue improving user comfort. The management interface has been made simpler and part of the service is accessible through the Internet.

"As regards SITHS - which is strongly linked to HSA - (...) the roll-out is well under way in county councils. We also feel a lot of pressure from local authorities. During this year [2010] and the next one [2011] we will work towards the development of SITHS in a way to enable its use in conjunction with other security solutions." Mr. Alvinsson said.

The infrastructure programme team at CeHis is moreover working on simplifying, streamlining and improving access to SUJNET, HSA and SITHS, with the support function of National Customer Service (NAK). Via the Internet it should be possible for users to enter the service, specify who they are and where they work, and based on the services they need, fill in the relevant agreements. Peter Alvinsson explained: "Obtaining support and help when completing forms becomes a big boost, in particular for new users, because the task is both extensive and complicated today. Eventually, one should be also able to sign agreements directly on the Internet and thus completely do away with paperwork."

As for the video and tele-meeting service, it is also stable. Focus will be placed on increasing its use. "Its commercial potential is enormous, not only for administrative meetings, but also for (...) distance education, homecare and so on." Mr. Alvinsson indicated.

In addition, there is a need to improve communications between the healthcare providers and other services. The project 'Channel Insurance-Healthcare' (IFV) aims to digitise the entire sick-leave procedure. A pilot is being carried out in the city of Uppsala where the illness certificates can be sent to the social insurance agency by electronic means. According to Peter Alvinsson, IFV is going exactly as planned. The next stage is for county councils to define together with system vendors their specifications for sending certificate electronically and managing electronic messaging. The goal is for county councils to send 90 % of electronic certificates in October 2011.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 02.07.2010

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