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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Following a survey of stakeholders, Sweden's eIdentification Board (E-legitimationsnämnden, in Swedish) has set itself a goal of providing a mature electronic identity (eID) solution by mid-2013, it was announced in June 2011. The Board will now construct a test environment to clarify stakeholders' needs.

In the spring of 2011, the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications (Näringsdepartementet, in Swedish) distributed to stakeholders the investigations carried out in 2010 with a proposal for building a framework for future eID in Sweden. Most stakeholders responded positively to the central ideas of the proposal, although many pointed out the importance of taking the time to ensure that the solution functioned properly, rather than rushing out a quick solution which might not.

The eIdentification Board is now constructing a test environment in order to further clarify the needs of public administration in terms of eID. Through this initiative, it will be possible to test various use cases, techniques and scenarios for the actors involved. The experiences gained from these tests will inform the development of the solutions required to ensure the public management needs regarding eID and eSignatures. The Board sees the test environment as the means to discover in collaboration with the stakeholders how the current ideas can be best developed.

The Board has also decided to ensure that public management has access to solutions in eID and eSignatures, even after the current agreement in the area expires. This is the reason why the target for their introduction has been set as mid-2013. The Board is therefore working towards making this possible in concert with the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications and the European Commission.

Dialogue on a number of different issues will continue in parallel in order to develop the future model, such as to ensure that the eServices can be easily used by users in both the private and public sectors. The Board is also planning an 'e-legitimationsdag' (eID day) in autumn 2011, provisionally on 30 November 2011, to which all stakeholders will be invited.

Background Information:

The eIdentification Board was formed on 1 January 2011, and is responsible for the support and coordination of public management needs regarding electronic identification and signature solutions. It is run by a committee, and its members are appointed by the Swedish Government.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 20.07.2011

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