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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In April 2011, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions [SALAR] (Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting - SKL, in Swedish) published a strategy for eSociety with the aim to support the development of eGovernment in the municipal sector.

More and more people take for granted the ability to perform tasks simply and safely online; however, this poses a challenge for most local authorities and regions. As such, joint efforts and increased collaboration are required. SALAR has therefore developed a strategy for the municipal sector and its eGovernment development.

"We live in a time when Internet and IT affect all spheres of society in a formidable way. The strategy aims to drive, coordinate and create the conditions for the development of eGovernment in the municipal sectors," said Anders Knape, president of SALAR.

With a national consensus on certain common ground rules for eGovernment, costs can be limited, the purchasing role strengthened and the thresholds for development of eGovernment and eServices reduced. This means better service for individuals and businesses.

"Developing an eSociety requires extensive work and resources across all levels. Above all, efforts are required in each local authority and region. We will now proceed with a letter to our members recommending them to adopt the strategy," said Mr Knape.

A national steering committee with representatives from local authorities and regions has led efforts in developing the strategy. Consultations have taken place with representatives from the SALAR membership, a regional cooperation forum, the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications, the eGoverment Delegation 'E-delegationen', the Centre for eHealth in Sweden (CeHis), the publicly-owned software company Inera AB and the Swedish Association of Municipalities for Joint Development of eServices - Sambruk, among others.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 16.06.2011

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