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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A test bed has been launched to provide a means to publicly test and develop the technological infrastructure for electronic identification (eID) and signing services in Sweden, it was announced on 18 August 2011.

The test bed, Eid 2.0, was developed by the eIdentification Board (E-legitimationsnämnden, in Swedish) in collaboration with the Swedish University Computer Network (SUNET). It will enable interested parties (both public and private sector entities) to test their eServices and technology solutions for eID. Only after successful testing takes place will it be possible to implement a functional infrastructure for eID.

The first round of testing will take place at a workshop in Stockholm on 29-30 September 2011. The aim of the workshop is to disseminate practical experience of how the identity certification function and associated eServices developed by the interested actors operate individually and as part of a common infrastructure, to see how the technical infrastructure for Eid 2.0 will actually work. The workshop may also throw up technical problems and their resolutions, and act as a forum for discussions about technology.

Participation in the workshop is free and open to any agencies, local governments, market participants and other organisations that wish to contribute to infrastructure development. Actual participation of actors from both the public and private sectors is seen as beneficial for the success of eID solutions in Sweden, and indeed both sectors have shown interest to participate. All participants may choose to take part in whichever tests interest them. Additional workshops are anticipated to further develop the solutions, and in the future the test bed will also be available online.

Background information:

The mission of the eIdentification Board is to support and coordinate the government's need to secure electronic identification and signing. It is an agency whose members are appointed by the Government.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 05.09.2011

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