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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Education Ministry will try and save time for students registering for major exams through their online registration program.

Filipe Bole said the Registration for Examinations and the Provision of Examination Results service is one that has been selected by the Fiji e-Government Project, which will enable schools or students to register for exams online.

Read more: Fiji: E-Govt Project To Save Time

Schools and students will soon have the opportunity to register for examinations and check results online, says the Ministry of Education.

The Registration for Examinations and the Provision of Examination Results (EXMS) service is a service that had been selected by the Fiji e-Government Project.

“The service will generally improve coordination between the Examinations & Assessment Unit (EAU) of the ministry and schools,” said interim Education Minister Filipe Bole.

Read more: Fiji: School exam system to go online

The e-government program will ensure red-tape reduction, says the Information and Communications Technology Association.

Association executive committee member Jonathan Segal said by reducing red-tape people needed to wade through "online applications can significantly improve on an area that has long been considered a point of frustration".

Read more: Fiji: New program works well

The government’s ongoing efforts to enhancing public sector efficiency and effective service delivery took another step forward yesterday with the launch of its E-Governance Computer Project.

Interim Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama yesterday launched the system that will facilitate the electronic registration of companies and place company information online.

Bainimarama said the e-governance project was a milestone achievement for the responsible ministry – the Ministry of Justice, and the government.

Read more: Fiji: Govt online service launched

A program to implement government communications infrastructure and to give high-priority to government service online has been launched.

Interim Finance Minister Mahendra Chaudhry says the E-Government Program will create a ‘New Fiji’ with improved levels of communication within and outside of Fiji.

Read more: Fiji: E-Government Plan

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