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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Government acknowledges the potential of the Information Communications Technology (ICT) to generate growth, investment and employment in the economy, says Finance minister Ratu Jone Kubuabola.

In a statement, he said the Fiji Islands Trade and Investment Bureau would continue its trade missions to the Australian, American and Asian markets, promoting investment in Fiji's IT.

Read more: Fiji: ITC to generate growth: Minister

Forum’s ultimate goal: ICT for every islander

‘Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for every Pacific Islander’. That, very simply, is the ultimate goal of the Pacific Islands Digital Strategy—an important part of the Pacific Plan.

The route to achieving this egalitarian goal, though, is far from simple. The choice of appropriate technologies; the complexities and costs of implementing them given the Pacific Islands’ unique geographic, topographic and demographic attributes; their critical implications on existing regulatory regimes and business models—all conspire to make the digital strategy a work in progress for sometime to come.

Read more: Fijii: ICT: Digital Strategy Forges Ahead

The Government will borrow $US20million ($F34.5million) from the People's Republic of China, through the China Exim Bank to fund the Fiji-Chinese E-Government project.

Finance Minister Ratu Jone Kubuabola moved the motion in Parliament yesterday in pursuant to section 59 of the Financial Management Act 2004.

Read more: Fiji: State looks for $34.5m

Public accessibility to government services is expected to improve significantly following approval of a concessional loan by the Chinese Government.

On Monday night, Fiji's Caretaker Minister for Finance, Jone Kubuabola and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao signed a memorandum of agreement that saw the approval of a loan of $US20 million ($35,618,878).

Read more: Fiji: People will have easier access to services

The Government is seeking parliamentary approval for a US$20million ($F34.7m) loan from China Exim Bank to fund its Fiji-Chinese E-Government project.

A motion was proposed by the Finance Minister Ratu Jone Kubuabola to the Parliamentary secretariat asking for approval to secure the loan from the bank through the Chinese Government.

Read more: Fiji: State seeks loan approval

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