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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The evolution of the Internet has paved the way to a new era in education delivery method, one that must be taken full advantage of especially with the advent of e-Government initiatives in the country, scheduled to be fully implemented by next year.

The impact that the Internet has brought upon society as a whole opens wide opportunities to distribute education and training afforded by the Internet, and offers challenges as earlier paradigms have already been applied to such a technology. Students now clamour on simple online access to course materials and this results in an urgent move towards a change in the instructional delivery.

Read more: Brunei: Taking advantage of new era in education delivery method

In conjunction with the Canada Innovation Forum held yesterday at The Empire Hotel & Country Club, Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Laila DiRaja Dato Paduka Awg Hj Hazair Bin Hj Abdullah, Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office, delivered an address where he highlighted the variables surrounding Brunei government's transition initiatives toward the implementation of e-Government-to encompass three core strategies as included under the e-Government programmes.

Read more: Brunei: Pehin Hazair Highlights E- Government initiatives

The biggest slice of the budget allocation for the Year 2004-2005 went to the Social Services sector, which got an increase of $4 million as compared to its fund for 2003.

Meanwhile, Transport & Communication received a $2 million boost to its fund.

However, according to the latest Brunei's Economic Bulletin report, the Public Utilities saw a decrease from its $178 million fund in 2003 to $166 million for 2004-2005.

Read more: $4 Million More For Social Services In Brunei's 2004-05 Budget

A Human Resource Management System (HRMS) costing nearly B$300,000 is in the pipeline as Brunei's flagship program under its e-Government initiatives.

A local company, ITIS Wescot Technology Sendirian Berhad, has been commissioned to undertake a study on the HRMS requirement.

Read more: Brunei : $300,000 Flagship Program To Enhance Human Resource Online

Frequently asked questions and related issues to the planning and implementation of the e-Government in the Sultanate, were brought to the table during yesterday's dialogue session, which was co-organised by BIT Secretariat, e-Government Procedural Work Group and the University of Brunei Darussalam.

Read more: Brunei: Dialogue on e-Government

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