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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The servers for the "Sistem Maklumat Islam Fasa 1" (SisMI Phase 1) or Islamic Information System Phase I for the Ministry of Religious Affairs were presented by its contractor, HakbaSkali Sdn Bhd yesterday morning.

Witnessing the ceremony was the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Dato Paduka Awg Hj Abd Rahman bin Hj Mohiddin who was also the chief guest.

Read more: Brunei: It's ‘E-Religious Affairs'

The Information Technology and State Stores Department of the Ministry of Finance in its capacity as the Brunei Darussalam Information Technology (BIT) Secretariat held a lecture entitled `Open Source Initiative in the Malaysian Public Sector' at the Civil Service Institute in Rimba Tuesday morning.

The lecture held in tandem with the Prime Minister's Office was an informative course of dialogue regarding `Open Source Software' (OSS), in particular the expansion and OSS initiatives that have been implemented within the public sector in Malaysia.

Read more: Brunei: Talk On Adoption Of OSS Technologies

Sarawak is set to provide "all out e-government services" by middle of next year, assured its state secretary, Datuk Abdul Aziz Hussein.

He said the state government had set a target for all local authorities to provide their services online by the said period and the state ICT would conduct a study towards the objective this year.

Read more: Brunei: Sarawak to provide all out e-govt services

Brunei Darussalam's Ministry of Communications has awarded the contract to build an integrated service portal to Singapore-based Ecquaria Technologies.

In support of the Brunei Government's plan to transform the delivery of public services to citizens, the Ministry of Communications (MinCom) has commissioned design and deployment of a central e-government platform that Brunei's government agencies can develop robust web services rapidly, efficiently and securely for use by the public.

Read more: Brunei government to spend US$2.9 million on portal

The Ministry of Communications and Integrated Communications Sdn Bhd yesterday signed a contract worth over B$10 million for the Mincom Portal Services project.

The deal will see the implementation of e-service infrastructure over a period of six months at the ministry and related departments.

The deal, which will ensure the public reach the ministry and its departments, will exactly cost $10,696,977.

Read more: Brunei Signs $10 Million E-Gov't Deal

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