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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Awang Hj Abu Bakar bin Hj Mohd Don giving an opening remark.

The Ministry of Religious Affairs yesterday signed three more e-Government projects with three private contractors at a signing ceremony held at the Dewan Teratai, MRA.

The guest of honour at the ceremony was the Acting Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Awang Hj Abdullah bin Hj Metassim. Also present was Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office, Awang Hj Ahmad bin Hj Abdul Rahman, Chairman of EgSPEC.

Awang Hj Abu Bakar bin Hj Mohd Don, CIO / Head of Information Technology Centre, MRA was also present to make an opening speech at the event.

The ministry had also signed a project to construct Islamic Information System (SisMI) on February 21.

The ICT project involves massive supply of hardware, construction of LAN and WAN networks, software applications and construction of an Islamic Database, Islamic Knowledge Based and Islamic Information. It will be made available to the public through several e-Islam Kiosks.

The projects include a Network Infrastructure and Data Centre Phase One with Syarikat ITIS Wescot Technology Sdn Bhd, a Zakat (Tithe) Management System (SPZ) with Syarikat Jurusy Perunding Sdn Bhd, and an e-Islam Information Kiosks project with Syarikat Folec Communication Sdn Bhd.

The Network Infrastructure and Data Centre (PPR) is the development of a data centre for the Ministry of Religious Affairs, which will be situated on the second floor of the ministry.

In addition, this project will include the supply of more than 700 PCs and other accessories to its officers and staffs.

The installation of LAN and WAN networks to the departments under the ministry includes the District Religious Departments and mosques, where they would be able to use both the 'Lease Line' and 'Dial-up'.

For the Zakat (Tithe) Management System project (SPZ), it consists of four main modules. They are the Collection module, Distribution module, Accounting and Reports module and 'Amil' module. These would make the collection and distribution of Zakat easier.

Whereas, the e-Islam Information Kiosks will supply 18 kiosks to 11 mosques around the country and several government departments as well as shopping complexes.

The whole project is scheduled to be completed by August 2005.

Autor: Azaraimy HH

Quelle: Borneo Bulletin, 02.03.2005

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