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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Bekannt ist der Schwindel mit Identitäten vor allem aus den USA: Betrüger eröffnen unter dem Namen und mit der Social Security Number Fremder Konten, lassen sich Kreditkarten ausstellen, kaufen im Internet ein. Aber auch im bevölkerungsreichsten Land der Erde gibt es offenbar massive Probleme mit falschen Identitäten. Nach Angaben des chinesischen Ministeriums für öffentliche Sicherheit (Ministry of Public Security, MPS) benutzen zirka 90 Prozent der Strafttäter in China gefälschte Personaldokumente.

Read more: Personendaten von 1,3 Milliarden Chinesen online abrufbar

Conventional wisdom maintains that the exercise of power should be made transparent so that behind-the-scenes manipulation can be avoided.

This is, however, easier said than done.

Take the recent social security fund scandal in Shanghai in which billions of yuan of money essential to individuals' lives were diverted to other investment purposes. Secret "black case" work was a major component in the scandal.

Read more: China: 'Clumsy' solutions can create transparent gov't

Hong Kong's Immigration Department is a paragon of high-tech

Apply for a work permit or residency visa in Hong Kong in the near future, and your application will be processed using artificial intelligence rather than a human being. It's all thanks to the continuing high-tech wave that is sweeping through Hong Kong, particularly with regard to e-government.

Read more: China: Hong Kong: The business of E-Government

A Shanghai district won't have to worry about severed fiber-optic cables, for it'll soon go totally wireless.

Last month's earthquake off Taiwan severed undersea fiber-optic cables, disrupting Internet services and communications services between the mainland and Taiwan, Hong Kong, the US and South Asia. Work is still on to fix the cables.

Read more: China: Shanghai district to go wireless

Even though the Hong Kong ‘territory-wide’ Smart Identity Card project went live three years ago and even though it is issuing some 8,000 cards a day, it's still going to take until April next year for every eligible citizen to receive the upgraded smart cards.

About five million smart cards have been issued so far to citizens 11 and above, out of a population of nearly seven million, according to Pieter Hoogendoorn, business manager for ACI (Applied Communications, Inc.) Worldwide, a UK company that provides card management solutions the program.

Read more: China: Hong Kong’s mandatory citizen smart card expedites travel, secures financial transactions

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