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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As of the end of 2008, the country's government administrations at central, provincial and municipal levels have all set up official Web sites, said Yang Xueshan, vice minister of Industry and Information Technology Ministry at the China E-government Forum opened Thursday.

More than 90 percent of county-level governments and even many towns and villages have established portal Web sites, Yang added.

Read more: Nationwide Chinese e-gov't system has been built

The Chinese government will make more effort to keep the public informed of government affairs, said the National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2009-2010) released Monday by the Information Office of China's State Council.

According to the action plan, E-government will be promoted to gradually achieve the goal that governments above the county level and their departments each has a website and most government organs and public institutions each has a hotline.

Read more: China vows to promote transparency in government affairs

The Food & Health Bureau proposes developing a Hong Kong-wide electronic patient record-sharing system as part of the Government's healthcare reform.

The eHR system enables different healthcare providers in both the public and private sectors to enter, transfer and retrieve data, with procedures for obtaining patients' consent, and mechanisms for authenticating and controlling data access.

Read more: China: Hong Kong: e-Health record system proposed

A Springboard Research report says greater China region has contributed 42.7 per cent to enterprise networking spending by public sector across Asia Pacific

China tops public sector enterprise networking equipment spending in Asia Pacific, says Springboard Research, an IT market research and advisory firm.

Its latest research report titled "An Opportunity Emerging: Networking in the Public Sector," which was released recently, stated that the greater China region (including Hong Kong and Taiwan) contributed the largest share at 42.7 per cent to enterprise networking spending by the public sector across Asia Pacific (excluding Japan).

Read more: China tops enterprise networking spending in APAC

The number of people using the internet in China has surpassed 298 million. The nation now has more internet users than any other country in the world, with the total number nearly equal to the entire population of the US. This represents a huge opportunity for foreign investors, although political and cultural differences must be taken into consideration.

According to a report issued by the state-run China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), 88 million Chinese went online for the first time in 2008, a rise of 42% over 2007. With this increase, the number of people using the internet in China has surpassed 298 million. The nation now has more internet users than any other country in the world, with the total number nearly equal to the entire population of the US.

Read more: '298 million surfed': opportunities for e-government in China

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