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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Mehr Nutzer als die USA, mehr Domains als Deutschland

Mit Ende Juni 2008 konnte China 253 Millionen Internetnutzer vorweisen und hat damit erstmals die USA als Spitzenreiter abgelöst. In dieser Woche hat die chinesische länderspezifische Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) .cn auch die deutsche Endung .de überholt und ist damit die größte ccTLD im Internet. Das berichtet die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua unter Berufung auf gestern, Donnerstag, veröffentlichte Zahlen des China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC). Damit erhebt China den Anspruch, nun Internet-Nation Nummer eins zu sein.

Read more: China erklärt sich zur Internet-Nation Nummer ein

China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange has decided to popularize a nationwide online information system for direct investment foreign exchange business with effect from May 2008. The decision complies with the requirements of the State Council which wants to further transform government functions, establish a service-oriented government and promote e-government administration.

Their purpose is to develop direct investment within this new context and accelerate the reform of direct investment's foreign exchange administration. The perceived advantages of the System are to raise management efficiency; to improve service levels; to provide statistical, monitoring, analytical and pre-warning capabilities for direct investment; and to facilitate an increase in investment.

Read more: Chinese Online Information System Helps Direct Investment Foreign Exchange Business

It was learned at a recently held Guangzhou Government Informationization Work Meeting that the city will take the opportunity to build a National Information Demonstration City network pushing forward the integration of informationization and industrialization and building an “Informationized Guangzhou".

The informationization in Guangzhou will focus mainly the construction and application of a “Wireless City (Urban wireless broadband network)”, improvements to further the service levels of the “international information hub”, work to establish 2500 hotspots within the “Wireless City” concept covering all the public areas in Guangzhou so as to facilitate public access to the net, allowing internet users to go shopping, attend education courses and get entertainment online.

Read more: China: Guangzhou to build 2500 hotspots in 2008

More than 10 new e-Government services will be launched in the next six months, while more than 15 e-Government services will come online within two years, Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Frederick Ma says.

He told the Legislative Council today the e-Government services include the transport information system and the electronic health record system.

Read more: China: Hong Kong: 10 e-Government services to launch

Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Frederick Ma says the Government has reserved capacity in Hong Kong smart identity cards for the development of an e-purse function in light of public demand. An e-purse allows cardholders to make cash-free retail transactions.

However, he told legislators today the Government has no timetable yet for implementing an e-purse option, after considering the Monetary Authority's views and the market situation.

Read more: China: Hong Kong: ID card e-Purse under study

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