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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Acting Financial Secretary Frederick Ma says the launch of GovHK is a new milestone in the development of e-government services in Hong Kong, marking a new citizen-centric approach in public-service delivery.

Launching the new Government portal today, Mr Ma said it offers one-stop government online information and services to the public.

Read more: China: GovHK citizen-centric: Frederick Ma

The city government yesterday launched an e-government system to transmit documents via an intranet. The system took only five seconds to reach a total of 188 offices in the city’s districts and counties.

The energy and time saving delivery skips many fussy steps in the previous paper transmission like printing and dispatching confidential information. The e-system will immediately become a main mode to send information among governmental departments.

Read more: China: Shanghai: E-document delivering makes gov’t work efficiently

Zukunft unterentwickelter Länder liegt in mobiler Highspeed-Infrastruktur

China steht kurz davor, die Internet-Supermacht USA hinter sich zu lassen. Mit mehr als 56 Mio. Breitband-Usern ist man mit den rund 60 Mio. US-amerikanischen Nutzern schon fast gleichgezogen. Zusätzliche Breitband-Impulse werden durch die olympischen Spiele 2008 in Peking erwartet. Denn die chinesische Regierung plant, bis zur Eröffnung jeden Haushalt der Hauptstadt mit einem Breitband-Anschluss auszustatten. Insgesamt hatten Ende März 2007 weltweit rund 1,1 Mrd. Menschen einen Zugang zum Internet. 300 Mio. davon waren über Breitband online, so die neueste Statistik des Marktforschungsinstituts Point Topic.

Read more: Breitband: China löst USA als Internet-Supermacht ab

"By 2010, all the towns and townships in China's rural areas will have broadband service." Vice Minister of Information Industry, Xi Guohua, made the remark in Jiangsu province on Monday. He said in order to narrow the gap in digital technology between the cities and countryside, China will speed up the popularization of broadband service in rural areas.

There are 144 million households in China using the internet; 97 million of them are using broadband. Due to the imbalance of economic and social development, there is a big gap in digital technology between eastern and western regions, and urban and rural areas. According to a survey issued by the ministry in January, by the end of last year, 20.2% of the people in urban areas are internet users, while the number of internet users in rural areas only accounts for 3.1% of the total population, creating a gap of 6.5 times. People in rural areas are facing 'information poverty'. It is urgent to narrow such a gap, said Xi Guohua.

Read more: China speeds up narrowing the digital technology gap

The Digital 21 Strategy Advisory Committee has welcomed the Government's plan to provide Wi-Fi facilities at Government premises.

At the committee's meeting today, members said the project will help uphold Hong Kong's status as a leading digital city because the wider availability of Wi-Fi networks will facilitate the delivery of e-government services through wireless and mobile channels.

Read more: China: Hong Kong: Advisory group backs Wi-Fi proposal

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