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Wednesday, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Hebei provincial E-government research council held a meeting on June 21 in Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei province, to discuss the development of the E-government, which the council stressed is key to a service-oriented government.

Dong Zhenguo, the director of the Hebei Provincial Government Network Management Center, chaired the meeting, and Jiang Chunlan, the chairman of the council, addressed the participants. Over the last five years, the council has held various activities including seminars, lectures, E-government salons and themed forums.

Read more: CN: Hebei: E-government Research Council holds meeting

Bangalore medicine reaches Tibetan settlements through Cisco’s Healthpresence and RXDX doctors, and TeleradTech expertise.

The Central Tibetan Administration’s Health Kalon-Dr Tsering Wangchuk- was in Bangalore to experience and inaugurate the telemedicine connection between Telerad RXDX in Whitefield, Bangalore and Mainpat, Chattisgarh.

The telemedicine setup has been deployed in Mainpat, a remote Tibetan settlement in Chattisgarh. The patient end is handled by a trained nurse equipped with a digital thermometer, blood pressure cuff, stethoscope and ECG. Using this technology a patient sitting in Mainpat can interactively discuss his condition with the physician sitting remotely in Bangalore and get treated. Cisco’s Healthpresence is integrated with TeleradTech’s teleradiology platform – RADSpa. So the physician can not only examine the patient but also view his diagnostic scans.

Read more: CN: Tibet’s Health Minister Inaugurates Telemedicine for Tibetan Patients

The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) of Hong Kong awarded a HK $127 million (US $16.3 million) contract for the implementation and operation of the Government Cloud Platform (GovCloud).

GovCloud is a large-scale IT infrastructure project initiated by OGCIO last year. In an interview with FutureGov last year, Victor Lam, Deputy Government CIO, explained that the government private cloud would be used to host common apps for shared use for Hong Kong government departments.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong Govt awards US$16.3 mil contract for GovCloud

The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) in Hong Kong has long been a leader in deploying innovative ICT services in the public sector, be it in the sphere of e-government, mobile government, open data, or cloud computing.

After a busy year in 2012, which saw the launch of several government mobile apps, a next generation GovWifi programme, and further development of the government’s ambitious plans for a private cloud platform, Daniel Lai, Government CIO, Hong Kong, has much planned for 2013.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong GCIO: Plans for 2013

The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer today (March 28) awarded a contract on the implementation and operation of the Government Cloud Platform (GovCloud) to Atos Information Technology HK Limited for a term of seven years.The estimated contract value over the seven-year period is $127 million.

GovCloud is a large-scale central IT infrastructure for hosting e-government services for shared use by bureaux and departments. Such services include electronic information management, electronic procurement and others.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong: Contract awarded for implementation of Government Cloud Platform

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