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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Social Welfare Department recently tendered a HK$362 million (about US$46.5 million) contract to build the Computerised Social Security System II (CSSS II) and improve department operations and services, in line with the recently released e-government strategy.

Aiming to improve business agility, enhance service collaboration and operational efficiency, enable effective monitoring of service quality, and provide better customer-centric social security services through multiple channels, CSSS II will replace the existing system that has been used since 2000.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong social security system undergoes USD46.5mil upgrade

Public spending in 2,187 villages in Shaoxing city, East China's Zhejiang province, now not only requires the approval of higher authorities and invoices for auditing purposes, but also the submission of documents online.

All original bills, trade contracts and any items related to rural collective resources - namely collectively owned funds, assets and resources in rural areas - must be published online, according to the city's new policies.

Read more: East China: Govts go online to make spending transparent

China’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has revealed that the issuance of standardised social security cards across the nation is in progress. It is expected that 600 million cards based on the same specifications will be in circulation by the end of this year.

Citizen’s Identification Numbers, issued by public security bureaux, will be used as the unique and lifetime social welfare identifier across the nation.

At the moment, social security cards are issued by provincial-level governments using different specifications and identifiers. In a highly mobile society where hundreds of millions of people move across provincial borders for employment, transfer of social security benefits between localities has been a headache for both insured citizens and the authorities. As a result, many migrant workers living in the economically advanced Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta are not enjoying the social welfare benefits they are entitled to.

Read more: China standardises social security cards

August 31st witnesses the great moment when a strategic cooperation agreement is signed between China UnionPay and 360Buy in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province. Thus a new era is about to open as customers of China UnionPay only need to imbed a SD card into a mobile phone to effect the purchases and payment.

In the future, customers of China Union Mobile payment can not only enjoy the convenience of Internet purchases, but also of public utilities fees paid by mobile phone, according to President Xu Luode of China UnionPayment.

Read more: CN: New era of mobile payment in the future

The Transport Department (TD) today (August 16) launched the "Hong Kong eTransport" smartphone application (app) and mobile website services.The public can now enjoy one-stop, point-to-point public transport enquiry services anytime, anywhere for free.

The Assistant Commissioner for Transport (Technical Services), Mr Leung Tak-fai, noted in the briefing session that the Public Transport Enquiry Service (PTES) had recorded more than 1.3 million users since its launch in April 2009.

"Using mobile phones for internet access has become very popular in recent years. To help travellers search for suitable public transport routes while on the move anytime, anywhere, the TD and the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) have developed the PTES smartphone app and mobile website," Mr Leung said.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong: TD's new smartphone application and mobile website services now available

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