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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Hong Kong government yesterday (12 December 2011) launched a two-month long public consultation to solicit views on the legal, privacy and security framework for electronic health record (eHR) sharing.

“We understand that data privacy and system security are of paramount importance to the development of the eHR Sharing System. To this end, the Government endeavours not only to deploy the appropriate technologies to safeguard system security, but also to formulate a Legal, Privacy and Security Framework for eHR sharing with reference to views of various stakeholders as well as local and overseas experiences, so as to provide legal protection for the privacy of patients’ health data and system security,” said York Chow, Secretary for Food and Health.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong launches public consultation on e-health records

The Government today (December 12) launched a public consultation to solicit views on the Legal, Privacy and Security Framework for Electronic Health Record (eHR) Sharing. The consultation exercise will last for two months until February 11, 2012.

Speaking at a press conference today to release the consultation document on the Legal, Privacy and Security Framework for eHR Sharing, the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr York Chow, said, "In 2008, the Government embarked on a consultation on the reform of our health-care system to ensure its sustainable development. One of the proposals which received broad public support was developing a territory-wide patient-oriented eHR Sharing System as essential infrastructure for our health-care system, with an aim to enhance the quality and efficiency of health care."

Read more: CN: Hong Kong: Public consultation on Electronic Health Record Sharing launched

Most of Hongkongers -- at 81 percent -- will cease dealing with organizations they do business with if their personal information is compromised in a security breach, said Unisys Tuesday when releasing results of the latest study dubbed Unisys Security Index.

The study also found that 60 percent of Hong Kong residents will publicly expose such failure and 39 percent will take legal action.

Read more: CN: Survey: Hongkongers dump biz failing to guard personal data

The Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department launched today, the online motor vehicles first registration tax system which will enable motor vehicle traders to make online applications and access necessary information needed to become registered importers and distributors in Hong Kong.

Under the new system motor vehicle traders can request motor vehicle tax assessment and other documents the Transport Department requires for vehicle registration.

In addition, with system interface with the Transport Department, the Customs will be able to process different types of application in parallel, such as the Import Return and tax assessment, which will cut down the processing time for various applications.

Read more: CN: HK introduces online vehicle tax registration system

China will eclipse India to become the world's biggest destination of shared services centers in a few years as it possesses competitive advantages, senior industry executives said at an annual KPMG summit in Shanghai yesterday.

"China is no longer a 'maybe' destination," said Egidio Zarrella, a partner of management consulting at KPMG. "Having an articulated China strategy is essential for an organization with global ambitions."

Read more: China set to be No. 1 in shared services

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