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Wednesday, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
E-government and cloud computing intertwined in strategic government docs

The Chinese public sector has been adopting cloud computing rapidly as a way to implement various e-government initiatives. Many cities, including Shanghai, Beijing, Qingdao and Xi’an, have all been using some form of cloud-based IT .

Read more: Chinese public sector uses cloud to implement e-government

China has made steady progress in overall e-government development, and the nation's e-government development ranked 78th this year, reveals a UN survey recently.

The survey said that this is no small feat since it is a country of 1.2 billion people and a large land mass – both of which require more effort from the government, especially if the population is widely dispersed, than would a country with a small population living within a limited area.

Read more: China's e-government development ranks 78th

The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) today (February 20) launched a request for information (RFI) exercise inviting submissions from IT service providers on the provision of public cloud services to government bureaux/departments, with a view to developing a reference list for procurement of such services.

"The Government has formulated a strategy to adopt cloud computing in delivering its e-services. We aim to establish a government cloud environment progressively over the next few years to support a range of government-wide applications," a spokesman for the OGCIO said.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong: Government invites submissions on provision of public cloud services

Dalian has ranked 4th in a government transparency evaluation of 43 major cities in China, according to the Chinese Government Transparency Report (2011). Over 30,000 pieces of administrative information from more than 1,600 public enterprises are open to the public.

On February 20, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences held the “Rule of Law Blue Book - Publishing, Development and Outlook on the Rules of Law Symposium 2012” in Beijing. As the only representative of major cities, the Dalian municipal government shared its experiences at the meeting. They made a speech and discussed how to “promote in-depth integration of administrative affairs and technology while weaving two networks for publicizing government information.”

Read more: CN: Liaoning: Dalian ranks the 4th in a government transparency evaluation

A private, safety barrier should be established on the Electronic Health Record (eHR) Sharing System to protect individual privacy, the Alliance for Patients' Mutual Help Organization appealed on Thursday.

The alliance reacted strongly to the fact that the government did not set up a safety barrier in the eHR Sharing System, and demanded that a balance be struck between the public service and individual rights.

The Food and Health Bureau contends the eHR Sharing System provides an efficient platform for healthcare providers to upload and access an individual's health related data.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong: Patients group calls for right of privacy on eHR Sharing

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