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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
E-government and cloud computing intertwined in strategic government docs

The Chinese public sector has been adopting cloud computing rapidly as a way to implement various e-government initiatives. Many cities, including Shanghai, Beijing, Qingdao and Xi’an, have all been using some form of cloud-based IT .

Here are a few examples of such e-government projects done in 2011:

  • In March 2011, Health Cloud System of Shibei Hospital of Zhabei District, Shanghai, was put into use after six months of testing and application migration, marking China’s first health cloud.
  • In May 2011, Qingao municipal government announced a plan to build a private cloud computing platform for e-government affairs: first of its kind for China’s public sector.
  • In July 2011, High-tech District of Xi’an City declared its Dual Cloud Deployment Strategy. The Xi’an Software Park became home to the first cloud computing center in Northwest China to provide Infrastructure-as-a-Service to enterprises and companies located in the park.

Chinese government agencies are expected to further increase investment in e-government projects.

CCW Research expects IT investment by the country’s public sector to grow from CNY46.49bn in 2011 to CNY50.29bn in 2012. A lot of this money is expected to go into cloud technologies.

Cloud Computing is a strategic direction for e-government development by the Chinese Government. The most recent five-year e-government development plan says the nation should study the functions of cloud computing in e-government affairs, complete top-layer design for a common cloud-based e-government platform, encourage local governments to build a unified district-based e-government platform and facilitate migration of government applications to this cloud-based platform.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Laura Luo

Quelle/Source: Datacenter Dynamics, 05.04.2012

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