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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
While more government information and processes are put online, the security implications become more apparent, prompting governments at different levels to invest heavily to upgrade their security systems.

The Government of Yangzhou, a city in China’s eastern Jiangsu province, has awarded a contract to develop an information security platform which will monitor its online portal as well as major IT systems.

This follows a similar project that has recently been undertaken at the provincial level. The Government of Jiangsu Province, where Yangzhou is located, started deploying a security platform in 2010. The provincial government also made plans for such security systems to be rolled out in each of the 13 cities in the province. Digital China, the country’s largest system integrator, has been commissioned to design and implement the project, which would create a monitoring network covering and linking all the municipal governments in the province.

The platform was launched successfully in April 2011, protecting 271 e-government portals in the province, including those of major provincial government agencies, of Wuxi and Nanjing municipal governments. These portals and systems are guarded against a variety of information security problems including service disruption, site defacement, Trojan, domain theft and leakage of sensitive information.

The project, which is currently the largest and most intensive regional government information security platform in China, passed the preliminary test in November 2011.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Clarice Africa

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 09.02.2012

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