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Saturday, 14.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

More universities and hospitals providing public Wi-Fi on their premises.

Residents and visitors in Hong Kong can now get easier access to free Wi-Fi. The number of hotspots for the public Wi-Fi.HK service has increased to 12,000.

“The number of Wi-Fi.HK hotspots has been increased from the original 5000 at the launch of the scheme [in August] to the current figure of over 12,000", said a spokeperson from the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong gets more public Wi-Fi hotspots

Telcos and financial sector close behind

The state-owned sector still dominates the market. China’s data centers are concentrated in economically developed areas, and government bodies, telecommunication players and financial service providers are the major driving forces of the country’s data centers industry, according to a report released by a consulting company under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).

Read more: China’s Data Centers driven by State

GPS technology can allow for instant local updates, says Deputy GCIO.

Hong Kong’s Government intends to create apps that use smartphone functions to personalise public service delivery, it has been announced.

In a public speech, Joey Lam, Deputy Government Chief Information Officer, said that “with the instantaneous and location-sensitive nature of mobile technology, we can provide timely alerts and reminders to citizens.”

Read more: CN: Hong Kong Government looks to personalised mobile apps

For opening up public sector information (PSI) in machine-readable formats through tis one-stop Data.One portal, Hong Kong has won the Outstanding e-Government Prize (Open City) at the World e-Governments Organization of Cities and Local Governments (WeGO) Awards 2014.

Joey Lam, Deputy Government Chief Information Officer (Policy and Community), represented the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in receiving the award at the presentation ceremony in Chengdu early this month.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong wins e-Government Prize at global WeGO Awards 2014

FutureGov interviewed Victor Lam, Deputy GCIO of Hong Kong, about his city's success stories.

Apps, cloud computing and open data are the top success stories from Hong Kong, according to Victor Lam, Deputy GCIO of the city government.

Speaking in an interview with FutureGov, he said: "We have encouraged all departments to develop mobile applications for the convenience of the public, and have developed a portal on mobile applications in Hong Kong."

Read more: CN: Apps, open data and cloud platform top three Hong Kong success stories

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