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Saturday, 14.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

IDC released an IDC MarketScape evaluation report on Chinese e-Government cloud market and vendors. Huawei Cloud e-Government Solution lands in the Leaders quadrant with dominating strength. Specifically, this product is recognized for its advantageous comprehensive strength and a future-proof strategic layout. According to the report, Huawei Cloud e-Government Solution claims the top spot in three major dimensions: current capabilities, strategies, and market performance. The result shows the industry's recognition of Huawei Cloud.

Read more: Huawei Cloud Ranked Top in China's e-Government Cloud Market

But will city make the same mistakes it did in similar plan 17 years ago?

The government’s HK$100 million plan to issue “electronic identification” for Hong Kong residents to allow easier access to online public and commercial services parallels a similar plan unveiled 17 years ago that never took off as hoped.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong to roll out electronic identification in two years to boost e-transactions

About 84 percent of the Chinese people can accept going out without any cash, according to a report of mobile payment usage in China released by Chinese mobile payment solution Wechat Pay.

The report 2017 Mobile Payment Usage in China was released Friday during the 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Forums on Smart Cities and e-Government which was held in the north suburb of Bangkok.

Read more: 84% Chinese can go out without cash: Report

This year’s policy address actively fosters innovation and technology development with eight specific proposals. It is gratifying to see that the Chief Executive has fulfilled her promise in the election campaign: to act as a “facilitator” and “promoter” in innovation and technology development.

The eight proposals are quite comprehensive, covering nurturing and attracting talent, increasing public and private sector research resources, opening government data, and revising outdated regulations that impede the development of innovation and technology. The Government will also increase investment in trying new services, while the Efficiency Unit will merge with the Innovation and Technology Bureau to form a stronger team to promote innovation and effective use of technology within the Government. It is even more encouraging that the Chief Executive will chair an internal Steering Committee on Innovation and Technology, to steer collaboration and participation across bureau and departments with effect from the most senior level on the smart city related policies.

Read more: CN: Building Hong Kong as a leading smart city

About 84 percent of the Chinese people can accept going out without any cash, according to a report of mobile payment usage in China released by Chinese mobile payment solution Wechat Pay.

The report 2017 Mobile Payment Usage in China was released Friday during the 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Forums on Smart Cities and e-Government which was held in the north suburb of Bangkok.

Read more: 84 pct Chinese can go out without cash: report

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