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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer launched its new Data Centre Facility yesterday in an effort to promote the development of more high-tier data centres in Hong Kong.

The facility provides a one-stop enquiry and helpdesk service for local and overseas parties who are interested in setting up data centres in Hong Kong. In addition, the facility will coordinate efforts of different government agencies in offering needed assistance for parties setting up their data centres.

According to Gregory So, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, the data centres constitute an essential part of the infrastructure in the city’s knowledge-based economy.

“They support the sustainable growth of its traditional pillar industries such as financial services, trading and logistics. They are also fundamental to the development of the information and communications technology sector, including cloud computing services,” he said.

Mr So added that the aim is to give prospective data centre developers and operators a holistic picture of Hong Kong’s competitive edge, thereby facilitating their selection of Hong Kong as the first-choice location for their strategic data centres.

Meanwhile, the Data Centre Portal was also launched to provide useful information to concerned parties on setting up data centres in Hong Kong.

The portal gives valuable information on the strategic advantages and benefits of establishing data centres in Hong Kong.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Clarice Africa

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 26.07.2011

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