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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Bangalore medicine reaches Tibetan settlements through Cisco’s Healthpresence and RXDX doctors, and TeleradTech expertise.

The Central Tibetan Administration’s Health Kalon-Dr Tsering Wangchuk- was in Bangalore to experience and inaugurate the telemedicine connection between Telerad RXDX in Whitefield, Bangalore and Mainpat, Chattisgarh.

The telemedicine setup has been deployed in Mainpat, a remote Tibetan settlement in Chattisgarh. The patient end is handled by a trained nurse equipped with a digital thermometer, blood pressure cuff, stethoscope and ECG. Using this technology a patient sitting in Mainpat can interactively discuss his condition with the physician sitting remotely in Bangalore and get treated. Cisco’s Healthpresence is integrated with TeleradTech’s teleradiology platform – RADSpa. So the physician can not only examine the patient but also view his diagnostic scans.

The installation of the telemedicine clinic at Mainpat commenced last year in August and over 400 teleconsultations have been done till date. The telemedicine consultations are provided by Telerad RxDx doctors using Cisco’s Healthpresence. TeleradTech is the Managed Service Provider for this telemedicine platform. RxDx to date has done over 13000 telemedicine consultations for patients in Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and now, Chattisgarh.

According to Dr Wangchuk, Mainpat is the first Tibetan settlement in which a telemedicine pod has been set up. “After this successful pilot with RxDx, we would like to expand this service to our Tibetan population in other settlements. The use of technology is helping remote areas, such as our settlements, to leap frog into accessible healthcare.”

Dr Sunita Maheshwari, a Pediatric Cardiologist and founder of Telerad RxDx said “It was our pleasure to have Dr Wangchuk and his team visiting our facility to experience the live telemedicine consultations. The patients in rural areas are not only getting access to physicians for regular consultations but also specialist consults for specialties such as pediatric cardiology and dermatology. Telemedicine is truly touching lives through technology by providing quality treatment which otherwise is difficult for remote locations like Mainpat to access.”


Quelle/Source: PRWeb, 29.05.2013

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