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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001, the official eHealth portal for the Danish public healthcare services, has recorded a considerable increase in the number of people accessing their medical records online following television coverage, it was announced in February 2011. achieved a record for site traffic in January 2011, during which over 333 000 different users visited the portal and altogether viewed almost 3.4 million pages. January is traditionally a month when many are seeking health information in connection with New Year resolutions. In 2011, however, the service which was of particular public interest was e-journal: more than 173.000 users sought information about it, and there were 70.000 e-journal views during the month.

Read more: DK: Increased interest in electronic hospital records following TV coverage

According to the Digital Society 2010 report published in January 2011 the number of medical consultations over email has almost quadrupled.

Medical advice via email is increasing, according to the data shown in the report of the IT and Telecom Agency, launched on 20 January 2011. More specifically, in 2006 1.2 % of all medical consultations were made via email, while in 2009 the number had risen to 4.4 %. Statistics for 2010 have not yet been calculated.

It is proved helpful to have doctor's assessment, without having to move to a clinic for issues such as inflamed sinuses or high temperature.

Read more: DK: Increase of medical consultations via email

During November and December 2010, the Agency for Governmental IT-services (Statens It, in Danish) introduced a new web portal, Service Portal (Serviceportalen, in Danish), where its users will find information about the current IT operational situation, planned service windows, news about the Agency, and consult several help guides.

Service Portal will also a web-based application for the 10 000 users who use the Agency's service desk, where users are able to log online IT problems and thereby gain access to support. The content of Service Portal can be targeted to individual customers or specific user groups.

Read more: DK: Agency for Governmental IT-services introduces a service portal for users

100.000 businesses have sent electronic invoices to the public sector via the Danish national open eBusiness framework 'NemHandel' (Easy Trade, in English) in December 2010, which is approximately one third of all active Danish companies.

All Danish public authorities and institutions have the capabilities to receive NemHandel invoices, and during December 2010 alone the public sector received more than 300.000 electronic invoices through the NemHandel infrastructure from private businesses (suppliers of goods and services). Furthermore, more than 2.300 new business users registered and used NemHandel for the first time.

Read more: One in three Danish companies have sent electronic invoices via NemHandel

Denmark sees ICT as a major route to economic recovery, as Danish Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Charlotte Sahl-Madsen reveals

Denmark, like most nations, has been affected by the financial crisis in recent years. Many years of growth have levelled out, while unemployment has increased and public finances have worsened. However, there are signs of improvement on the road ahead. In the wake of the financial crisis, the Danish government laid a new foundation in February 2010, focusing on renewed growth, with research, innovation and digitalisation playing a key role.

As part of the growth strategy, our research and innovation policies must respond to some serious underlying trends – declining growth rates, changing demographics and tougher global competition.

Read more: Denmark goes digital

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