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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The 'My Health summary' service, now available through the Danish eHealth portal '' allows authenticated users to obtain a faster and better overview of their own patient data.

Once logged into the health portal with their digital signature, users can access this personal health information that has been gathered from various healthcare sources.

Read more: Denmark: Single access to personal health records via

Am gestrigen Freitag ist das dänische Parlament mit dem Wissenschaftsminister übereingekommen, Regierungsstellen ab April 2011 das Open Document Format (ODF) zum Speichern ihrer Dokumente vorzuschreiben. Die Entscheidung betrifft zunächst keine regionalen oder kommunalen Verwaltungen; eine Entscheidung darüber soll später fallen. Am kommenden Dienstag will das dänische Parlament das Übereinkommen absegnen, was aber nur noch ein formaler Akt zu sein scheint, da Vertreter aller vertretenen Parteien bereits am Freitag ihre Zustimmung signalisiert haben.

Read more: Dänemark setzt auf ODF als Dokumentenstandard

A national electronic invoicing infrastructure has eased government-to-business and business-to-business transactions in Denmark. Catherine Lippert, Acting Deputy Head, Division for IT Infrastructure & Implementation, National IT & Telecom Agency (NITA) spoke to FutureGov about the drivers for the project and the agency’s plans to migrate the system into the cloud.

It is mandatory by law for businesses to submit an electronic invoice when supplying goods or services to the Danish government. This regulation creates a barrier to the 300,000 small and medium size enterprises which are mostly relying on paper-based invoicing. “Most of the existing solutions for e-invoicing have been too complex and costly to be viable alternatives for smaller businesses,” explained Lippert

Read more: Denmark helps businesses with national e-invoicing system

Technology is all the rage in Denmark, where some patients are using computers with medical devices, cameras and other electronics to visit the doctor.

Paperless prescriptions, online access to medical records and video chats with your doc are just a few features of the Danish healthcare system. Although not everyone has jumped on the digital bandwagon yet, about half of the country’s hospitals and nearly all primary care doctors have opted for electronic records.

Read more: Electronic Healthcare a Hit in Denmark

Denmark may have lost the title of "happiest place on earth" to Costa Rica, but it still has health IT.

The Danish have, according to several studies, the most efficient health information system in the world. All primary care physicians and almost half of the hospitals utilize electronic records, in comparison to just 10 percent of hospitals and 17 percent of physicians here. The Danish health system saves doctors about 50 minutes a day in administrative work, and a 2008 report from the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society estimates that the electronic records system saves Denmark $120 million annually.

Read more: Digital Denmark

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