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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The 'My Health summary' service, now available through the Danish eHealth portal '' allows authenticated users to obtain a faster and better overview of their own patient data.

Once logged into the health portal with their digital signature, users can access this personal health information that has been gathered from various healthcare sources.

The available data includes:

  • Summary of hospital admissions (back to 1995);
  • Recent notes from hospital charts;
  • Summary of medication prescribed over the last two years;
  • Overview of personal wishes in relation to organ donation and receiving life-prolonging treatment (living wills);
  • Status of laboratory tests ordered by physicians;
  • Contact information for the personal General Practitioner (GP).

"We want to help all citizens to take responsibility for their own health and for their treatments." said Bent Hansen, chairman of 'Danish Regions' and of the Board of Directors of "This is why we are working to give citizens access to the same data as that available to their care providers. Some citizens may have a large amount of such data." he added.

The secured and controlled access to personal information on medication and treatment is not a brand new function of It has already been possible to find this information through the portal by performing distinct searches respectively focused on medication, diagnoses, admissions, records in a given hospital, etc.

'My Health summary' goes further by providing access to all this information at once, with a single click of a mouse. There is furthermore an option to limit one's search to a specific time period.

"I hope that many new users will seize this opportunity and take advantage of the new display of their latest health data. It is the most user-friendly patient summary available to the public at the moment." said Hansen.

Another innovation is the availability through 'My Health summary' of the laboratory test results. However, this does not exclude the need for an appointment at the physician's to know of the actual outcome of the test. On another note, many of the existing options are now better displayed in terms of user-friendliness.

'My Health summary' is the first version of the National Patient Index (NPI). It has become a collaboration between and Digital Health (Digital Sundhed, in Danish), a public organisation tasked with the national coordination of health IT in Denmark. Digital Health is currently working on new versions of the National Patient Index for both citizens and health professionals.


Quelle/Source: epractice, 18.03.2010

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