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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In April 2012, Denmark joined the Open Government Partnership (OGP), an international initiative whose purpose is to promote good governance and strengthen democracy in the participating countries. On this occasion, the country's Action Plan 2012 was presented.

As part of its accession to the OGP, Denmark developed a one-year action plan for open government activities. The action plan, presented at an ‘Open Government Partnership High Level Meeting’, in Brazil, on 17-18 April 2012, is based on inputs from a broad consultation process, in which citizens, companies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and public authorities were invited to propose initiatives and activities. The Danish Agency for Digitisation is responsible for the overall coordination of the Danish work with OGP.

Read more: DK: National Action Plan presented at Open Government Partnership High Level Meeting

A legal requirement to support multiple document formats, including the open document format, is the main reason for which the Staff at Denmark's Ministry of Transport intends to move, in the near future, to LibreOffice, a free and open source suite of office tools.

Public administrations on Denmark are required to be able to accept both the Open Document Format (ODF) and a private IT vendor's alternative OOXML. "I don't know how other public administrations in Denmark handle this requirement, but for our department it is the reason to switch to LibreOffice." says the responsible executive secretary of the Department in question Thomas Ginnerup-Nielsen.

Read more: DK: Need for multiple document formats leads Ministry of Transport to open source

Approximately 2 000 patients across five patient groups will participate in the largest-ever telemedicine project in Denmark, it was announced on 14 December 2011. The project is an initial step towards establishing a common national infrastructure for telemedicine in the country.

The project starts at the beginning of 2012 and runs for two years. Four hospitals in the Capital Region (Region Hovedstaden, in Danish) and the Central Denmark Region (Region Midtjylland, in Danish) are participating in the project with up to ten municipalities and a number of practitioners across the country. It will produce a database that records information on patients while they remain at home. Health professionals in all sectors will have access to patient data from their own computer and can quickly decide whether there is a need to adjust the patient's medication. The patients represent five different groups: COPD (emphysema), diabetes, inflammatory bowel diseases and pregnant women with and without complications.

Read more: DK: Largest-ever telemedicine project launched, the official Danish eHealth portal, has improved its usability through modernising its structure and presentation, it was announced on 31 January 2012. The primary goal of the upgrade is to make the website easier to navigate. The implemented changes have been developed over the course of a year, and have taken into account the experience and involvement of users. has evolved continuously since its launch in December 2003, including the comprehensive technical upgrade of 2009. It now has thousands of articles and many options with comprehensive data, and the quality of its information has over the past eight years led to many loyal users. However, the presentation and structure had remained much the same since the portal's launch, with some users finding it messy, boring and hard to navigate.

Read more: DK: Upgrade boosts’s usability

Following the shutting down of the National IT and Telecom Agency and the subsequent transfer of its responsibilities to several ministries, including the Ministry of Finance, the latter has been reorganised; it now includes two new departments namely, the Digitisation Board (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen) and the Modernisation Board (Moderniseringsstyrelsen).

The Digitisation Board will combine the expertise of the previous IT and Telecom Agency and that of the Finance department in order to strengthen the digitisation of the public sector. This Board will be in charge of ensuring that digitisation strategies are implemented to the benefit of citizens and that new digital opportunities are fully exploited.

Read more: DK: Two new boards at Ministry of Finance to deal with public sector's digitisation and rationalisat

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