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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Following the shutting down of the National IT and Telecom Agency and the subsequent transfer of its responsibilities to several ministries, including the Ministry of Finance, the latter has been reorganised; it now includes two new departments namely, the Digitisation Board (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen) and the Modernisation Board (Moderniseringsstyrelsen).

The Digitisation Board will combine the expertise of the previous IT and Telecom Agency and that of the Finance department in order to strengthen the digitisation of the public sector. This Board will be in charge of ensuring that digitisation strategies are implemented to the benefit of citizens and that new digital opportunities are fully exploited.

The Modernisation Board results from the merging of the Finance Board and the Personnel Board, and it will be responsible for the finances, agreements and management of/within public administration. It will serve as a solid platform for freeing up resources through the modernisation of the public sector, improving the management of public funds and providing better leadership.

Commenting on the restructuring, Bjarne Corydon, the Finance Minister said it is an important step towards a modern public sector that provides the best value to society at the lowest possible costs for the taxpayers.

"With the new Boards, we have institutions devoted to promoting an efficient public sector. In the context of the crisis it is more important than ever that funds are exploited to their fullest extent, and we must make sure that there are resources for prosperity in the coming years. Digitisation, flexible working hours and better management can free up considerable resources," the Minister said.

The restructuring of the Finance Ministry is in line with the Government's goal to focus resources on core tasks, thus generating savings. Overall, it is expected that DDK 100 million (€ 13.5 million approx.) will be saved over the next two years.

David Hellemann, the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Finance, calls for the swift establishment of both Boards: "The new boards should be up and running as quickly as possible. We must also reduce the number of full-time exempt staff over the next few years. We will be going through this process in close cooperation with managers and employees, and as smoothly as possible," he said.

The new organisation chart of the Ministry of Finance has been made available online (in Danish only).

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