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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
1 July 2011 marked the first anniversary of the launch of Denmark's digital signature system NemID. During that year, it was used 310 million times by 79 % of the adult population to access services in both the public and private sectors, and notably for Internet banking.

NemID provides the means for secure digital communication. More than 3.2 million Danes now use it, with over 2.9 million using it for both banking and the public sector. In the future, NemID is expected to facilitate much greater use of self-service in citizens' contacts with the municipalities, regions and State authorities.

Read more: DK: Digital signature system NemID completes successful first year of operation

Five new online Danish patient networks have been set up, it was announced on 8 July 2011. These new networks enable patients and their relatives to interact directly with health professionals and especially with other patients with the same medical condition.

Through these networks, patients can gain knowledge about their condition, share experiences and get advice, support and insight into how to deal and live with it. Their interaction with others in the same situation gives them courage and support in difficult times and empowers them to avoid the isolation they would otherwise feel. The networks thereby enable patients to fulfil needs which are otherwise not covered by, for example, a patient association which lacked a forum for sustained dialogue.

Read more: DK: Five new online networks established to support patients

A new service has been launched on, the official Danish eHealth portal, which provides a summary of a citizen's visits to such healthcare practitioners as general practitioners (GPs), specialists, dentists and physiotherapists, it was announced on 7 June 2011.

The new service is called 'My consultations' (Mine konsultationer, in Danish) and it was launched by Danish Regions. It covers those visits since 2003 for which the Danish Government has granted full or partial reimbursement. The information comes from the Health Insurance Register, which contains the information that care providers report to Danish Regions.

Read more: DK: Record of consultations with GPs now available on

The Danish government will start issuing new passports with digital photos and fingerprints starting on Oct. 1.

The decision to introduce fingerprints in passports was made by the European Union as part of their war against terrorism, human trafficking and trade, illegal immigration and other transnational crimes.

The new biometric passport will allow Danish citizens to travel to countries which may demand this type of passport for entry in the future.

Read more: Biometric Danish passports on their way

Denmark’s e-government strategy for the next five years was unveiled today at the eGov Global Exchange in Singapore, even before reaching the Danish public, according to Lars Frelle-Petersen, Deputy Director General and Head of the Digital Task Force Agency for Governmental Mangement, Danish Finance Ministry.

This new plan will address the problems of Denmark’s coming years of financial deficit, growth in public sector spending and the country’s stagnant productivity, said Frelle-Peterson.

Besides, Denmark is ready for self-servicing. “80 per cent of citizens do service themselves,” said Frelle-Petersen.

Read more: Denmark releases e-govt strategy 2011-2015

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