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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

There’s more digital things than we dreamt of

The European Commission has published its league table of digital countries and the Best of Europe’s tech world is, you guessed it, Denmark!

Sweden, the Netherlands and Finland make up the remaining top four, proving that Scandis really do do IT better. But in a not-too-shabby performance, the UK is jostling for attention at number six, right behind plucky Belgium.

Read more: Denmark tops European tech table, two other Scandis right behind

The European Commission has released a new index aimed at measuring how 'digital' each country in the EU is. The tool gives snapshots, per country, of connectivity (how widespread, fast and affordable broadband is), internet skills, the use of online activities from news to shopping, and how key digital technologies (e-invoices, cloud services, e-commerce, etc) and digital public services such as e-government and e-health are developed. The data is mostly from 2013 and 2014 and will be used in developing the next Digital Agenda scorecard, due out this summer.

Read more: Denmark leads EU digital performance index

Overall satisfaction with Development Guide for good self-service - but there is still room for improvement. The importance of guidance is clear and lessons can be learnt from this approach, however, it also illustrates the importance of understanding users and getting feedback.

The Danish Platform reports that to make Development Guide of good self-service even better, they have in the first quarter of 2014 sought experiences and suggestions for improvement. In this context, they have amongst other things, looked at web statistics and actual usage patterns, created user and satisfaction surveys and organized a workshop.

Read more: DK: – Providing good self-service: Developing Guidance for self-service solutions

The Danish Digitisation Authority said the summer heat has not been enough to keep Danes from their keyboards, with the e-government website receiving 1.1 million visits during July. It said more than 280,000 people ordered a blue sickness insurance certificate in July, as the yellow health card became invalid abroad from 01 August. In the first half of 2014, the citizens' website had more than 7.5 million visits.

The authority also said it is repeating its competition to see which local council can get the most residents to register with the government's Digital Post universal e-mail service. This year, the competition runs from 09 September until 24 October. There will be three categories; the municipality with the largest percentage of its population registered for Digital Post; the one with the largest rise in registrations; and the one with the highest rate of registrations among people aged 15 to 24.

Read more: Danish citizens' website gets 7.5 mln visits in H1

On 6 January 2013 the updated version of the NemLog-in solution went online.

The new NemLog-in is an updated version of the previous one that handled more than 31 million login requests from citizens in 2012. This corresponds to an average of one login every second of every day. Currently, about 130 citizen-oriented public services use the NemLog-in solution. NemLog-in acts as a secure single sign-on solution that gives citizens access to all public services with one login without the citizen having to log in again. Almost all public services were simultaneously linked to the new NemLog-in thanks to the efforts of the public authorities and their IT supplier.

Read more: DK: The new version of NemLog-in is now online

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