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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A new service has been launched on, the official Danish eHealth portal, which provides a summary of a citizen's visits to such healthcare practitioners as general practitioners (GPs), specialists, dentists and physiotherapists, it was announced on 7 June 2011.

The new service is called 'My consultations' (Mine konsultationer, in Danish) and it was launched by Danish Regions. It covers those visits since 2003 for which the Danish Government has granted full or partial reimbursement. The information comes from the Health Insurance Register, which contains the information that care providers report to Danish Regions.

To access the My consultations service, users need to login on using NemID, Denmark's digital signature for public and private services on the Internet. They are then presented with a timeline which shows which practitioners they have visited and when. From here the user can use links to get more information, such as what problem was being treated and how much the consultation cost the authorities.

The new service compliments the 'My hospital treatment' (Mine sygehusbehandlinger, in Danish) service, which shows hospital admissions back to 1977 and emergency department and ambulance visits back from 1995. My hospital treatment is one of the most used services on, with figures from a population survey in January 2011 showing that 8 % of the population had used the service.

Bent Hansen, chairman of Danish Regions and President of the Board of, said: "The new solution is yet another contribution to the smooth functioning of the single government cooperation The cooperation ensures that recorded data 'gathering dust' can be shared with the citizens themselves, and used by citizens when sensible."

He added: "It's been a great positive surprise to see how many citizens have received the benefits of the inventory of historic hospital treatments. I therefore believe that there will be a great interest in these data, even though we cannot yet offer the citizen access to their GP's record, for example."

Another related service will soon be made available on, namely a citizen's access to their health records from GPs and other clinical practitioners. This is a popular idea, since Danes attend consultations at one of over 2 000 clinics in the country more often than at its hospitals. Danish Regions and the Danish Medical Association (Praktiserende Lægers Organisation, in Danish) have already agreed to provide access to the records, and the launch of the service with the working title 'P-journal' is expected in the coming year [2012].

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 21.06.2011

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