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Donnerstag, 20.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001


  • A New Libya sets sights on GIS and SDI technology

    The first International Libyan Conference on E-Government was held in July in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, a week after the Country's first ever free elections. Organized by the College of Electronics Technology of Bani Walid, the purpose of the conference was to bring together government, university and other community interests with international experts to share ideas and experiences about e-Government and its role in addressing societal issues and provide guiding principles towards the establishment of a national e-Government roadmap for the new Libya.

    GPC President Mark Sorensen was invited to address the assembly of nearly 300 persons to introduce the audience to geographic information system (GIS) and spatial data infrastructure (SDI) concepts and practices internationally, and to relay the experience of the Libya Spatial Data Infrastructure (LSDI) program initiated in 2005.

  • AE: Abu Dhabi Municipality launches 'Makani' GIS Portal

    The Municipality of Abu Dhabi City has launched the initial phase of "Makani" service to serve as a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Portal and a focal point of information and spatial data-related assets.

    The Portal is set to provide easy access to a vital pool of information that helps cut short transactions processing time and cost besides eliminating any overlapping or duplication of processes. It also supports taking informed decisions in a speedy '&' dynamic manner using latest technological systems in a process that echoes the Municipality's Mission of delivering top quality, effective and customer-centric services.

  • AE: Abu Dhabi's e-Government Gears up for the 2017 Esri User Conference in the U.S.

    57 employees representing 21 entities from Abu Dhabi's e-Government are gearing up to participate in the 2017 Esri User Conference (Esri UC), the world's leading Geographic Information Systems (GIS) event, which is set to take place between 10 to 14 July in San Diego, California.

    Organised by the Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri), the event is considered the largest global GIS gathering that brings together more than 1500 GIS community members to communicate, exchange experiences and share knowledge on the latest technologies and innovations in the industry.

  • AE: ADSIC imparts GIS knowledge to Fujairah Statistics Center delegation

    Four-day workshop highlights role of spatial data in statistical computation & decision making

    The Abu Dhabi Spatial Data Infrastructure (AD-SDI) Program group recently received a delegation from the Fujairah Statistics Center (FSC) on behalf of the Abu Dhabi Systems & Information Centre (ADSIC) to share its knowledge and expertise in spatial data and geographical information systems. A four-day workshop was conducted to impart the visiting delegation with the best approaches and practices for using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for statistical computation. The FSC representatives were provided with comprehensive information on statistics-oriented GIS applications.

  • AE: ADSIC Organizes Workshop On ’Using Satellite Imagery In Geospatial Information Systems’

    The Abu Dhabi Systems & Information Centre (ADSIC) organized recently a technical workshop entitled ‘Using Satellite Imagery in Geospatial Data Systems’ which was well-attended by representatives of the Abu Dhabi Spatial Data Infrastructure Program (AD-SDI) member entities and industry experts.

    Abdul Kareem Al Raeesi, Executive Manager of the Spatial Data Centre, said: “The Spatial Data Program is a fundamental pillar under the Abu Dhabi’s e-government strategy. This workshop, organized by Abu Dhabi Systems & Information Centre in collaboration with the “International Institute for Environmental Research” ESRI forms part of a series of specialized seminars and events intended to enhance knowledge on and raise the GeoMaturity level. It will enlighten participants on the importance of spatial data acquired through the use of satellite images in different processes

  • ArcGIS powers The Sri Lanka Survey Departments’ ‘Online’ Land Information System

    The Survey Department of Sri Lanka (SDSL) completed a recent upgrade to their ‘Online’ Land Information System (LIS) which was implemented using ArcGIS as the Software Platform.ArcGISis the world leading software in geographical information systems (GIS) is distributed in Sri Lanka by GIS Solutions (Pvt) Ltd, a subsidiary of Just In Time Group. SDSL is the authority for the LIS, which has now given the public online access through thisactivesystem. SDSL continues to be in the forefrontof all developing GIS projects in Sri Lanka as they are the National Surveying & Mapping Organization in Sri Lanka.

  • ARCHIKART Web-Portalbausteine: E-Government auch für kleine Kommunen

    Das Softwarehaus KANIS Computer & Software unterstützt den Aufbau von E-Government auch in kleinen Städten und Gemeinden durch Bereitstellung seines webbasierten Softwarekomponenten-Baukastens. Die neuen Web-Portalbausteine lassen sich in vorhandene Stadt- oder Mitarbeiterportale einbauen. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit laden die Bausteine Karten von unterschiedlichen GIS-Webservern in den Browser.
  • AU: How Melbourne maps every tree in its quest to be the perfect city

    The Australian city of Melbourne, which has a population 4.35 million residents, is managing its urban forest and improving public engagement by plotting its tree population on the map, CIO Colin Fairweather (pictured) has told FutureGov.

    With the fasting growing population among Australian capital cities, the leaders of Melbourne are committed to maintaining the city’s liveability. “We have a responsibility to preserve the city for the next generation, making sure that it’s an ideal place where people can live, work and play,” he said.

  • AU: Vic Govt releases spatial data via web portal

    High value data for everyone.

    The government of Victoria has released over 400 sets of spatial data that identifies geographic locations of features and boundaries as part of its 50-point ICT strategy action plan announced in February this year.

    Describing the spatial data as high value, Victorian Technology Minister Gordon Rich-Phillips said the first stage of of the release featured local government, electoral, urban growth and planning scheme boundaries.

  • Australian City Council uses GIS to visualise data

    The Gold Coast City Council will be implementing a new GIS system that will translate complex scenarios into an “easy-to-understand” visual format which will enable council officials and staff to efficiently interpret large volumes of information.

    “By providing a consolidated, single-point-of-truth to our data, our staff will be able to make better decisions,” said Dale Dickson, CEO of Gold Coast City Council.

    “For example, when all the planned changes are fully implemented, work orders will be able to be assigned based on proximity to avoid unnecessary driving time for work crews.

  • Bahrain: Mobile phones help map future

    People are now able to get maps on their mobile phones to find their way around Bahrain.

    The service was launched yesterday, as part of Bahrain's e-government programme, at a ceremony held at the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO), Isa Town.

    It has been developed by the CIO, represented by the GIS (Geographical Information System) and the Addresses Directorate.

  • Bangladesh: Digital maps to be used for 5th census: Minister

    Planning Minister Air Vice Marshal (retd) AK Khandaker yesterday said the government will use digital maps in the upcoming fifth population census in identifying the census enumeration areas.

    Latest technology will be used in data processing so that data could be released within the shortest time, he said.

    The minister was addressing a seminar titled “Celebrating Many Achievements of Official Statistics and the Core of Values of Service, Professionalism and Integrity.”

  • Bangladesh: Digital topographic map to save Tk 3.74b per annum

    Digital topographic map, which is now under preparation, can save at least Tk 3.74 billion (374 crore) in a year, according to a recent study of Survey of Bangladesh (SoB), the national surveying and mapping agency, reports BSS.

    The study said the digital topography maps can be used in field of communication, agriculture, infrastructure development, enforcement of law and order, disaster warning, defence, engineering and establishing e-governance for expediting work as well as reducing activation cost in a large scale.

  • Bangladesh: Local Government Engineering Department prepares union level online digital mapping

    Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) has taken massive measures to digitize its connectivity with rural areas through making digital maps up to union level as well as developing online rural data base.

    Geographical Information Service (GIS) of LGED has already prepared digital maps for all the unions of the country which will be available on their website soon.

  • Bayern: Digitale Flurkarte am schnellsten umgesetzt

    Finanzminister zu Besuch im Vermessungsamt

    Digitale Flurkarte - kurz DFK - heißt das Zauberwort: Seit 1. Juli sind alle 10,4 Millionen Flurstücke Bayerns online erfasst. Von der Neuerung profitieren zum Beispiel Landwirte, Kommunen und Energieversorger - per Luftbild und Flurkarte können sie rund um die Uhr auf jeden Quadratmeter des Freistaates zugreifen. Weil das Brucker Vermessungsamt die DFK-Arbeiten als erstes abgeschlossen hat, informierte sich Bayerns Finanzminister Kurt Faltlhauser gestern in der Kreisstadt über den digitalen Fortschritt.

  • Bayern: Felder der Landwirte stehen jetzt auch „digital“zur Verfügung

    Vorteile des „geographischen Informationssystems“ erläutert

    Die Vorteile der digitalen Flurkarte, die bayernweit flächendeckend vorliegt, erläuterte Finanzstaatssekretär Franz Meyer auf einer Agrarkonferenz von CSU-Mandatsträger aus Gemeinde-, Kreis- und Bezirksebene.

  • Bayern: Landkreis Cham ist "best of the best of the best" bei GIS-Systemen

    Zu den vielen Auszeichnungen des Landkreises Cham ist jetzt eine außergewöhnliche Anerkennung hinzugekommen. In San Diego (Kalifornien, USA) wurde er für seine innovative Pionierarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Geographischen Informationssysteme (GIS) mit dem ESRI-SAG-Award (Special Achievement in GIS) ausgezeichnet. Dieser Preis wird alljährlich US-amerikanischen und internationalen GIS-Anwendern für ihre herausragenden Leistungen verliehen. Bei der Verleihung sagte der Präsident des GIS-Weltmarktführers ESRI, Jack Dangermond, dass dieser Preis unter mehr als einer Million Anwendern stets nur den „best of the best of the best“ zuteil wird.

  • Bei Geodaten sind offene Kartensysteme auf dem Vormarsch

    "Datenbanken können Geodaten heute problemlos verarbeiten, aber die entscheidende Plattform ist das World Wide Web", sagte Professor Klaus Greve vom Geographischen Institut der Universität Bonn auf der ersten Deegree-Tagung in Bonn. Deegree ist ein vor fünf Jahren vom Bonner Institut gegründetes Open-Source-Projekt für Geoinformationsdaten, das die bislang umfangreichste Implementierung von Standards des Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) und der Internationalen Standardisierungsorganisation ISO vorweisen kann. Laut Greve gibt es bereits Projekte in Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien und Brasilien. Eingesetzt werden sie unter anderem bereits von fünf Kommunen in Deutschland, aber auch der Welternährungsorganisation FAO. Außerdem setzt das OGC Deegree als Referenzimplementierung für den Webmapping-Service ein.
  • Brandenburg: ‚Abwrackprämie’ für analoge Geoinformationen

    Schönbohm: EU-Mittel unterstützen Aufbau einer Geodateninfrastruktur

    Das Angebot des Landes zur finanziellen Förderung des Aufbaus einer digitalen Geodateninfrastruktur stößt auf große Resonanz. Derzeit prüfen Innenministerium, der Landesbetrieb Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation Brandenburg (LGB) und die Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg Förderanträge mit einem Gesamtvolumen von rund zehn Millionen Euro für die Umstellung analoger auf digitale Daten. Insgesamt stehen bis 2011 Fördermittel in Höhe von mehr als 29 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung. Möglich wurde die bundesweit in dieser Größenordnung einmalige Förderung durch Mittel, die das Innenministerium beim Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) eingeworben hat.

  • Brandenburg: EU-Mittel für Aufbau der Geodateninfrastruktur

    Schönbohm: „Wichtiger Baustein im Standortwettbewerb“

    Mit 29 Millionen Euro aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) fördert die Europäische Union (EU) den Aufbau der Geodateninfrastruktur (GDI) in Brandenburg. Die entsprechende Förderrichtlinie des Landes trat heute in Kraft. Ziel des Projektes ist es, digitale Landkarten und andere raumbezogene Informationen von Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft im Internet so zur Verfügung zu stellen, dass sie schnell zu finden sind und beliebig verknüpft werden können. Zugleich entsteht die Möglichkeit, sie als komplexe Datenströme zu transportieren und anschaulich im Internet darzustellen und zu analysieren.

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