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Sonntag, 2.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

57 employees representing 21 entities from Abu Dhabi's e-Government are gearing up to participate in the 2017 Esri User Conference (Esri UC), the world's leading Geographic Information Systems (GIS) event, which is set to take place between 10 to 14 July in San Diego, California.

Organised by the Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri), the event is considered the largest global GIS gathering that brings together more than 1500 GIS community members to communicate, exchange experiences and share knowledge on the latest technologies and innovations in the industry.

Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre (ADSIC), the government entity in charge of Abu Dhabi's ICT agenda and operational framework will be leading and organizing the participation of the government entities at the conference.

The participation of Abu Dhabi's e-Government coincides with the 10 year anniversary of the Abu Dhabi Spatial Datanfrastructure (AD-SDI) community, a leading program which is responsible for facilitating the sharing of geo-spatial data among governmental entities within different sectors, and Esri 2017 will provide the Government with an ideal platform to showcase AD-SDI's key achievements and strategies within its role as a central component of the #UAE capital's digital transformation efforts.

AD-SDI was launched in 2007, and has since served as a key pillar for accelerating and advancing government services through innovative ICT solutions, and has grown to more than 70 government and semi-government entities.

Moreover, the program has a key function in enhancing the operational features of Abu Dhabi government entities in several areas, such as situation analysis and influence, making business decisions, emergency response, transportation security and safety, assessing demographic trends, community planning and resource management among others.


Quelle/Source: MENAFN, 10.07.2017

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