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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The 'Agence des Systèmes d'Information Partagés de Santé' (in short, 'ASIP Santé') - the public agency for shared health information systems in France - and its partners have decided to launch a national ehealth database.

The development of Information and Communication Technology in the field of health is a high-stakes topic and an opportunity for the industry, both at national and European levels. In order to make France a world leader in the field of eHealth, determination and cooperation among public and private actors are a necessity, according to the database's introductory statement.

Read more: National database of ehealth projects and industrial supply to boost France's competitivenes

Michel Gagneux, president of the 'Agence des Systèmes d'Information Partagés de Santé' (in short, 'ASIP Santé'), the French Health Ministry's operating arm in the field of ehealth, announced that tests will take place in the course of 2011 in order to experiment the patients' access to their Personal Health Files (Dossier Médical Personnel - DMP), France's future electronic health records.

Mr. Gagneux made this declaration during a debate organised on 6 October 2010 in Monaco, during the Roundtable on security and information systems.

In future, French people will thus have access to their DMP based on the procedures that will be tested and validated by ASIP Santé in 2011. "The system that was designed obviously contains plans for the patients' access to their DMP, but these plans pose a certain number of challenges in terms of confidentiality, security and ergonomics. This is why we have opted for experimentations in this field, to be sure that the terms of patient access to their DMP apply in the best conditions usage-wise." said Mr. Gagneux.

Read more: France: Patients' access to own electronic medical records - Tests announced for 2011

Since the launch in February 2010 of French portal Proxima Mobile - the first web portal in Europe dedicated to services of general interest made accessible for free via mobile phones - its applications catalogue has been under constant growth. On 24 September 2010, a varied set of fifteen new services covering many aspects of the citizens' daily lives has been presented. Moreover, a European version of Proxima Mobile is now available.

For the general public, 2010 will mark the year of the rise to power of the mobile phones connected to the Internet. It is likewise expected that in December 2010 France will count over 15 million mobile phone surfers. At the end of 2013, the world market of mobile applications should represent €15 billion. The Proxima Mobile portal was launched with the purpose of supporting the community of the French developers, as a pump-priming measure.

Read more: France: 5 additional services and a European version for Proxima Mobile portal

The French National Agency of the Civil Service for Local Governments (Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale - CNFPT, in French) presented a new version of on 3 November 2010.

Developed by the CNFPT and 34 local governments, is an online interactive job board connecting local governments, civil servants willing to be transferred and job seekers.

Read more: France: New version of local governments' online job board

The delayed French electronic health record, Dossier Medical Personnel (DM-Personnel), will be launched by the end of the year, the agency responsible for the programme has said.

The EHR will allow patients to organise their health records for consultations with their GP and other healthcare providers and give them access to medication histories and a summary of recent appointments.

The second part of the programme, the Dossier Medical Patient (DM-Patient) will be developed over the next few years to allow medical records to be shared among healthcare professionals and provide them with in depth information about a patient’s care including medical images, exam results and lab reports.

Read more: French health record live by December

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