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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
France, notorious for its jungle of red-tape, has apparently been undersserving of some of that criticism. A new report ranks France as the best country in Europe when it comes to online government services.

In a new UN report ranking the world’s e-governments, France has (surprisingly?) come out on the top in Europe, and fourth in the world, on its government access and services online.

Read more: ‘Red tape France’ tops UN e-efficiency list

After four long months of speculations and political maneuvering, the French Government finally announced that France is getting its first Chief Data Officer. While the name of the CDO is still unknown, a source told me that current Etalab director Henri Verdier should get nominated later this week.

Back in February, I interviewed Henri Verdier about Etalab’s work on, France’s open data platform. As a reminder, open data is the idea that certain information should be freely available to everyone to reuse as they wish, without any copyright restriction.

Read more: France Announces An Ambitious New Data Strategy

Der französische Präsident Francois Hollande will mit Investitionen in Höhe von insgesamt 20 Milliarden Euro den Breitbandausbau vorantreiben. Die Mittel sollen aus öffentlichen und privaten Quellen stammen, kündigte Hollande laut Medienberichten an. Bis zum Ende seiner Amtszeit 2017 will der Präsident mindestens 50 Prozent des Landes mit superschnellen Internetanschlüssen versorgt wissen. Einzelheiten zu den geplanten Bandbreiten und Versorgungstechniken wurden nicht bekannt, es geht aber vor allem um Glasfaserleitungen.

Read more: Frankreich will Breitbandausbau mit 20 Milliarden Euro beflügeln

France has the best online government services in Europe, according to a report by the United Nations.

The UN’s E-Government survey 2014 puts the country at the head of European nations, number four in the world, behind South Korea, Australia and Singapore.

The UK comes in 8th place, dropping from third place which it held two years ago.

Read more: France tops Europe for net services

On 23 May 2012, the city of La Rochelle started 'La Rochelle Open Data', a portal aimed at opening up local government data for public for re-use.

Some 230 data sets covering citizenship, transportation, geographical data, public spaces, public procurement, finances, culture, young people and sports were made available on the portal in various open standards and file formats. The data sets are licensed under an ODbL license, which grants unrestricted and free of charge re-use of the data. The only condition for data re-use is the attribution of the source and, in the case of redistribution of (enriched) data, the use of a similar license.

Read more: FR: La Rochelle inaugurates its Open Data portal

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