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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The French open government data website (beta version) was introduced on 5 December 2011. France thus joined the closed group of countries which have a dedicated portal, such as the United Kingdom and the USA.

Soon after its launch, the portal contained 350 000 data factsheets on a wide range of topics, from the State's budget to the geographic coordinates of the country's airports. This is just a beginning as more public sector data will be added gradually in the next months. A very efficient search engine enables users to find the documents corresponding to their query in just a few clicks.

The aim is to provide a new governance model which is open, participative and adapted to the Internet and Information Society era. is intended to increase public sector transparency as well as facilitating the re-use of public sector information by Internet users, and thus meet citizen needs in terms of innovation and co-creation.

All of the portal's data can be re-used to create web applications for smartphones or tablets, which will be of use to all. Moreover, in order to promote co-creation, a contest has been launched to reward the best applications based on re-used data from

Background information

Mr Franck Riester, a member of the National Assembly, France's lower house of Parliament, together with a group of Information Society experts recommended in a report of February 2010 the creation of an inter-ministerial group tasked with the implementation of an open data project. A year later, the Etalab team (mission Etalab, in French) was created and, for 9 months, they worked on the implementation of

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 18.01.2012

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