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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Michel Gagneux, president of the 'Agence des Systèmes d'Information Partagés de Santé' (in short, 'ASIP Santé'), the French Health Ministry's operating arm in the field of ehealth, announced that tests will take place in the course of 2011 in order to experiment the patients' access to their Personal Health Files (Dossier Médical Personnel - DMP), France's future electronic health records.

Mr. Gagneux made this declaration during a debate organised on 6 October 2010 in Monaco, during the Roundtable on security and information systems.

In future, French people will thus have access to their DMP based on the procedures that will be tested and validated by ASIP Santé in 2011. "The system that was designed obviously contains plans for the patients' access to their DMP, but these plans pose a certain number of challenges in terms of confidentiality, security and ergonomics. This is why we have opted for experimentations in this field, to be sure that the terms of patient access to their DMP apply in the best conditions usage-wise." said Mr. Gagneux.

The president of ASIP Santé justified the need to perform such verification checks by highlighting their impact on the acceptation of DMPs by the population. "We are constantly on a razor's edge to find the good compromise between easiness of use and security (...)." He went on explaining that if citizens do not feel sufficient trust as to the security of personal health data exchange and sharing, there are risks of suspicion and rejection of the system.

This announcement confirms the commitment of Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot who declared on 22 July 2010 that "patients will have direct access to their DMPs through the Internet (...)", which will be gradually deployed in 2011. In Monaco, the president of ASIP Santé did not specify which terms and which rights will be tested, nor did he give a testing calendar.

However, Mr. Gagneux reminded the audience of the role that ASIP Santé plays in the implementation of the DMPs, just as in other health information systems. Industry representatives support the DMP as "a clearly identified pilot and a strategy that starts to be discernable, promoted by the public authorities" said Yannick Montel, the general delegate of industrial federation Lessis (a grouping of French companies providing health and social information systems) who also participated in the roundtable.

The work accomplished so far lays down the foundations of a broader task, Mr. Gagneux believes. "What is being set up is only paper, intents, a frame that will make it possible for the action to deploy. Most of the work is still to be done (...). We have 4 to 6 years of important work ahead of us." he concluded.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 19.11.2010

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